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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Delphi, Dawnsie, Elph, Delphis, D, Delphi-Mouse, The Champ, Next-door Lover, Captain Sexual, B0obZ McA$$Azz, Tits McGee, Muffincake, Dizzle

20 years

Chicago, Illinois

3/4 parts Filipino, 1/4 parts Chinese

Authentic Canadian Maple syrup

Black with brown red peekaboo highlights

5'3" - .25" = MIDGET

Sorry sorry, one has stolen me away and I wouldn't wait in line. You'll be waiting for forever.

Roman Catholic
Villa Julie College



Speedy the Turtle doesn't smell like you anymore, but I still love him just as much as I love you. (It's a lot.)

I'm a complex person. I think I'm hard to figure out. Most parts of me at least. But maybe that's just me trying to think I'm cooler than I really am. I'm predictable, yet spontaneous. I'm organized, yet I'm a terrible mess. Once you see one side of me, HACHACHA! I'll surprise you with another. See, like that 'HACHACHA'. You can't possibly tell me that you expected that.

I try to get along with everyone. I like people and having stuff to do all the time. People like my personality and I treasure that.

I've been told that "there is no one else like me". I've been called a "hard habit to break". A "text-o-maniac" (T9Word, HOLLAH). A "social butterfly". "Reserved, yet a crazy freak". "A perfect balance of hella crazy hard book smarts and very practical street smarts". Sillyheads. I'm just a Delphi. Or Dawn, depending on how we were introduced to each other. And not many people pass the name boundary of what to call me.

I'm a pretttttyyy RANDOM person. Don't ask why because I can't tell you. It's probably due to the many influences from my cousins when I was growing up. Growing up as the youngest and only girl with 4 boy cousins (and 3 additional boy 'cousins') who were always around all the time kind of makes an impact on you. Because of this, I love stuff. A lot of stuff. And I do things. A lot of things. Both chickly and dickly.


- I sing and dance anywhere, anytime, to anything. I embarrass my mom dancing and singing loudly through the grocery store aisles when one of my favorite jams comes on. I embarass my friends doing the "DANCE! Too much booty in the pants" dance while oot and aboot. It doesn't matter who you are, or how much I like you, I have no shame in embarassing you in awkward places. However, when it comes to me embarassing myself [in situations other than random dancing and singing]... well. That's a different story. A bit double standard, I know. But that's just kinda how I roll.

- My closet is a wonderland of assorted sizes, colors, styles, for any occasion. I don't fit into a specific style "scene" per se. I buy what I think looks good. I buy what catches my eye. It's kind a fun switching up styles midweek and see how people react. I don't know. Stupid? Perhaps. But its entertaining.

- I'll admit it. I'm a bit of a camera whore. It's kind of embarrassing. Especially when you load up my Picasa and see all the pictures tagged by me OF me. What can I say? I'm big on having fun and recording those memories via pictures. These are the things that'll spark my old farty memory when I'm 80, old, and farty.

- I AM A COMPLETE AND HOPELESS ROMANTIC. I'm a sucker for old fashioned romance. Buy me flowers and I'm the happiest woman in the world (White calla lilies and orchids, haha). I love... LOVE! Falling in love is one of the best things in life. Having someone who cares about you as much as you care for them is one of the best feelings in the world. "I Just Called To Say I Love You". Butterflies in the stomach. Late nights of nonstop talking. All of it is just wonderful and amazing.

- I like to learn. Not strictly school learning. Experience learning. I like it when I can learn something from someone. I like it when someone can teach me something I'd never think I could learn. It's pretty sweet, no?

- I hate English. Freaking mechanics! And grammar! And eye after ee except after c, except as in ay, like neighbor and weigh. I have a hard time with works ending in -atly, -etly-, -tely, etc, because I can't spell them worth shit. Sometimes, I stutter. Mostly when I'm uncomfortable with my current situation. I say 'like' a lot. I say 'Me either' when I REALLY mean 'Me too'. I get tongue tied easily. I get my idioms wrong. Yet, I don't have a problem with public speaking. What the hell?

- I type around 117 WPM with no errors. But I don't use the proper typing hand position. I kind of invented my own. I've been trying to learn to type right, but I don't think it's as effective as the one that I've developed. At least for me. Can you imagine how beastly I'd be if I typed right?! ULTRA WIN.

- I loveeee to laugh, but I think I sound like a big nerd when I do. I love to tickle other people but I can't take it when someone tries to do it back. I have a hard time breathing. Don't tickle me for too long. I will kick you in the junk. I keed you not. Someone always gets hurt.

- I am a HUGE DORK. I make up improv songs all the time about my current situation. "I am so tired" to the rhythm of Rihanna - Umbrella and "BIO115 Hiking Trips" to Alanis Morrisette - You Live, You Learn. I sing nonstop. I have a song for every situation. I dance to organic chemistry rules. I read Harry Potter. I still think Barbies are pretty awesome. Disney is pretty much the best thing ever, and don't you dare say otherwise. Technology fascinates me. I like knowing I'm smart and having others know I'm smart. Cocky? Maybe. People say the dorkiness is what makes me endearing and attractive. Hahaha HOKAI!

- I multitask like no one's business. It's because I have bad time management skills and because I don't do homework on the weekends. I procrastinate like its my hobby.

- I love food. All kinds. All flavors (except marshmallow. I'm not a big marshmallow fan). I can't wait to go to Europe and try the delicacies like frog legs and escargot in France. I eat to live WHILE living to eat. It's what makes me curvacious. Don't hate.

- I wish I didn't care about how people think of me. In a sense, I don't care. But really, I'm pretty sure I do. It's that whole "Filipino's have a lot of pride" issue. I like knowing I'm chill with everyone and everyone likes me.

- I am a good driver. I park awesome, I drive awesome. I'm not passive, I'm not agressive. I drive defensively. I'm not good at beeping my horn when some crazy bastard cuts me off. I'm also good at directions. I have been ever since I've been a kid.

- I'm at an insanely high risk for breast cancer. I have horrific eyesight. I'm at risk for strokes. Sounds like my gene pool sucks, huh. But, for the most part, my parents gave me good genes. Thank goodness I didn't get my Dad's side's boobs and my Mom's side's butt. I'd be flat chested and flat derriered! (teh sucks.)

- I take morning showers. I have about 7 alarms to wake me up in the morning. I take power naps that end in a full night's sleep. When I ask people to wake me up from a power nap, I usually answer the phone, have an intelligent conversation, hang up the phone, and go back to sleep. =[ So for future reference. MAKE SURE I TALK TO YOU RIGHT if you wake me up.

- I love the idea of city life. I sure I'd love it. My mom has started telling everyone of our relatives/friends in the NJ/NY area that I'll be living there after college. It's nice that she acknowledges it! Because it SO is happening.

- I can be very shy, depending on the situation. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I'M A SNOB. I'm just not comfortable. I hate when people think that. Because I'm DEFINITELY not a snob. I like being nice!

- I kinda get sick a lot. I can't tell you why. I take my daily multivitamins. My stomach always hurts. But I eat right. I'm weiirrrddddddd.

- I love to travel. TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL! I want to be a jet setter one day! September 24, 2007 I WILL BE IN LONDON OMFG.

- I love watching movies. Seriously, leave me in a room with a bajillion movies. I'd be set for the rest of my life. Oh yea, food. I need that too.

- I love driving around with one of my best friends on random cruises with no purpose except to explore.... and ending up in random places, thinking scary thoughts about how something is just going to jump out and eat me .

- I love shows, concerts, whatever. Along those lines... I love the BACKSTREET BOYS! With or without Kevin. I don't care what you think. Just because I show pride and represent the BSB doesn't mean I'm an obsessed teenybopper. That is SO '90s mentality.

- My camera is ALWAYS with me. I hate missing a photo opportunity and I hate that my camera takes awhile to turn on.

- I like to scrapbook. I like to make my t-shirts and other clothes undergo surgery into hot creations of my own. Me, my creativity + partner in crime? Abso-freakin-lutely lethal. You better watch out.

- I love playing tennis, although I think I suck. NOT ONLY is it a great sport, they wear cute outfits. BONUS! I hate running with a passion that burns deep within my loins.

- I love my FRIENDS! They got my back, no matter what and I make sure they know I have theirs.
- I love playing in the rain. (And jumping into canals afterward!!!!) Even if people look at you funny. It's worth it.

- I camp in my backyard and I have a bad ass time. I'm that hardcore. Don't mess.

- I love star gazing. "If I wanted to look at the stars that night, I'd just look directly into your eyes." Enough said.

- I love conversations where you say goodbye 17 bajillion times but realize right before you hang up that you have something else to say. Except when you're really tired and just want to get off the damn phone.

- I love reminiscing. The past has passed, but the memories are always there.

Whooo! I edited!

♥ Delphs

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like a circle, which has no end, that's how long i want to be your friend.
