NENA,BEEBEZ && LADDii MINNIEME && MY BABYDa OnLy ThiinG BeTTeR DeN dA KiiSs iiTseLf iiSz dA mOmenT RiiGhT BefOre iiT Wen Da LoOk iin Hiisz EyEsz LeaVeS yOu BreaTLeSsANGiiE && JON JONANGiiE && JON JONHe makes me smile without even trying if i said i didnt feel something for him i'd be lying..I LoVe U babii no matter wat happensz nobody could ever replaced u..u have the key to mi heart n u will alwayz it have no matter wat happensz..u made me feel wat nobody has ever made me feel before...u my dream come true..i can even believe i finally found 4 wat i was lo0kin 4..i juszt dont want thisz to u baby now n 4 everLove is giving someone the ability to hurt u but trust them not trusting u not to hurt me...Everything about you amazes me, from the way you always know how to make me laugh, to the way you make my life worth while. whenever we're together, all my worries disappear. everything around me gets blurry, and in an instant its just me and you. this feeling inside of me is the greatest feeling ever, and without you by my side im lost. our love for each other is so strong, and i want this to last forever...i love you babii....the day i met you my life chang`d. you make me smile in a special kinda way....Love is when you look into someone's eyes,and see everything you need..u are the only person tha can make mii worst day completly perfectME SHOWiiNG Mii CUZiiN SUM LOVENiiGgAz aRe LiiKe DiiaPerS...aLwaYs oN mY AsS nD aLwaYs FuLL Of ShiiT..WhY aRe yOu sO MaD iiSz iiT CaZ yOu CanT LoOk aS gOoD aS m3 Or iiS iiT BeCaZ yOur MaN aGreeS WiiT m3TheRes a sTaR a sTar iin yOur PrEsenCe...sO MaKe a WiiSh..ME N DA LOVE OF Mii LiiFEDA GET IT POPPIN BOYZ N DA FIRST LADDIDA GET IT POPPIN BOYSZ1ST && 3RD LADDIME && Mii HuBbii..I FUKiiN LOVE U BABii
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YAKiiRA N ME LO0KiiN SEXXXiiME && Mii Cuñii LO0KIN SEXXYMAH Cuñii JOELMI && LiLi...LolZMAH BABii && HiiS LiL SiS lo0kIn FuKiN sExxY..loVe Ya