drawing, running, fighting
that guy from the office
a plea for purging, sea of treachery, a thousand times repent, the reptilian complex, iamerror, i shot the duck hunt dog, jedi mind tricks, the fight between frames
requiem for a dream, donnie darko, adaption, about schmidt, city of god
southpark, harvey birdman attourney at law, freakshow, family guy, drawn together, robot chicken, ali g, bo selecta, little britain, jackass
the curious incident of the dog in the night time, animal farm, the prometheus deception, altered carbon, temple, scarecrow.
chuck norris, vin diesel, mr T --- the all star line up
in flames. the whole jackass team. micheal angelo (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ntf_4Q1Vs8). dane cook. ali g. whoever invented wheatabix. BATTY
notable mentions: jews, dan, anyone called matt, mitch