Just about everything outdoors... Hiking, Climbing,Traveling, Photography, Sailing, Boating, Kayaking, Camping, Wakeboarding, Sky Diving, Snowboarding, Biking, Gardening, School, Photography, Reading, chillin with the love and golda, being around my friends and family. Sitting on my porch staring at Mount Olympus. yummy beer Tyler Bennett Arts
Man/Woman has a poor understanding of life. He/She mistakes knowledge for wisdom. He/She tries to unveil the holy secrets of the Great Spirt. He/She attempts to impose his/her laws and ways on Mother Earth. Even though he/she there self is part of Nature, he/she chooses to disregard and ignore it for the sake of his/her own immediate gain. But the laws of Nature are far stronger than those of Mankind. Man/Women must awake at last, and learn to understand how little time there remains before he/she will become the cause of his/her own downfall. And he/she has so much to learn, to learn to see with his/her heart. He/She must respect Mother Earth-She who has given life to everything; to our Brothers and sisters, the Animals and the Plants; to the Rivers, the Lakes, the Oceans, and the Winds. He/She must realize that this planet does not belong to him/her, but that he/she has to take care for and maintain the delicate balance of nature for the sake of the well being of our children and of all future generations. It is the duty of man/women to preserve the Earth and the creation of the Great Spirit, Mankind geing but a grain of sand in the Holy Circle which encloses all of life.
I love music, I find most of the time I'm not even listening to the words, I just love to listen to good music. I love Classic Rock, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Funk, Blue Grass, Hip Hop, and believe it or not I like Country music.
I'm not much of a movie watcher or T.V. for that matter, I can barely figure out how to turn on the Simpsons and History Channel. Thats about all
I love to read a good book. I don't read much during the semesters because I find that it takes me away from studying which I actually don't do much of anyway.
My Dad, he battled his health for many years, May he rest in peace for eternity.