Human nature, absinthe, adult swim, alcohol, angelina jolie, angels, anger, animals, anne rice, aphaisiaphobe, aqua teen, architecture, art, art history, asian food, atlanta, beauty, being a grouch, being right, black clothing, books, candy, cats, chaos, chasing amy, chewing sticks, chinese food, christopher walken, clerks, clockwork orange, clothes, cloves, coffee, color, common sense, confusion, cooking, corsets, creating music, creativity, dark crystal, darkness, dazed and confused, death, discussions over coffee, disillusionment, dogma, drinking, entropy, espresso, eternal darkness, experimentation, exploring yourself, fantasy, fear, foamy, fuck romance, full metal jacket, futurama, gargoyles, george carlin, get fuzzy, glasses, good people, goth, goth industrial, goth metal, goth music, gothic, h.r. giger, halloween, history, honesty, humor, insomniac, intellect, irises, italy, kevin smith, korn, labryinth, labyrinth, lacuna coil, legend, life, light, linkin park, lord of the rings, love, making up interests., metal, money, monty python, movies, muse, museums, music, mystery, neurotically yours, night, nightmare before christmas, nin, oonch oonch (the band), ozzy osbourne, paint, painting, photography, pi, pronunciation, punk rock, purple, quietly observing, quiting smoking, rage, rage against the machine, ramen, red wine, riddles, romaji, romance, sarcasm, scary movies, science, science fiction, sex, shakespeare, silver, smiling, snatch, socks, sopranos, south park, spawn, stained glass, stephen king, stoicism, sublime, the cosmos, the last unicorn, the universal strand theory, tim burton, touch, type o negative, vampires, vnv nation, vodka, vulgar, warmth, willow, wind, wit, writing. ....
..You. I don't like selfish people, people that think themselves better, leeches, or ignoramuses. If you find yourself afflicted with any of these mental disabilities I suggest you look elsewhere.
Making my own right now. I dig Vast, Voltaire, VnV Nation, Funker Vogt, the little known Aphaisiaphobe, Type O, some punk, some death metal, classical, The Tea Party, such and such. And the typical band
plug. It's a lesson in abstract humor. Want more? Ask for it.
Dark City, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, Ghost Dog, kung-fu flicks, romantic comedies, tragedies, Shakespeare remakes, Vampire flicks, comedies, films with bittersweet lessons/endings.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Fantasy, Philosophy, Scientific Papers (i.e. W.L. Ditto's papers on the Chaos Theory), comedy books.
No on besides my parents, who are all ways discounted in the "hero" department, every one else has let me down.