I am interested in a multitude of things (as one can see in my Interests) and may even seem like a nice person. Sometimes. My tolerance for stupidity, two-faced lying bastitches, and fake is at an all time low--though it wasn't all that high to begin with. I am rather picky as to whom I let get close to me, but can be a very loyal and true friend if I let you in. Do not, however, get me mad. My temper is slow to rise, but when I become well and truly angry at you I am fierce. Above all I value truth and despise discrimination in all forms.
I like to remain active and I absolutely love to dance, love martial arts, and have been an artist since birth. Or, at least that's what my mother's been telling me all these years. ;-) I am a makeup artist, dancer, writer, and painter (though have not done this last one in a while due to lack of space).
I am devoted to my dogs and don't take kindly to anyone threatening those I consider family. I am a music freak and have *something* of each type somewhere in my possession and can generally find *some* way to dance to it.
I am a geek, nerd and a fangirl who also happens to be a model, tomboy, dancer, serious acedemic, and all around artist.