I want to meet people that I can seriously talk to and have fun with. I like having friends, especially friends I can trust well. Too many times bitten. I tend to give people trust and let them break it. Probably should start with distrust and let them earn it, but it is such a cynical outlook on life that I hope I never get too. I want to meet people that I can share my life with. I'm mostly interested in everyday people. Famous people are neat, but seriously I don't see how they are so special just from being famous. Some exceptions of course. Some artists I'd like to meet because I'm interested in their art or they have really moved me. I'd go out of my way to meet some actors, but only if I thought they were interesting past what they play. Otherwise, I'm not really interested in actors and musicians. I enjoy their work and move on. Scientists are another story, I like science. I'd spend all day listening to them talk if I could understand half of the conversation. Since I can't though, I guess I won't. =) Other famous people that would be interesting are historical of course. I'd really like to pick Jesus's brain and see how far off the whole thing has gotten. Studying under Buhdda might be nice too, but I doubt I'd have had the patience for it. /sigh
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