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HOT FreeLayouts.comYOU KNOW UR FROM JERSEY WHEN:1. You had at least one tattoo done by Tony.2. You're Italian.3. You know where mobster Jimmy Hoffa is buried.4. You have or know someone with mafia connections.5. You're the toughest person in the world, but the F'N horseshoe crabs and jellyfish still erk you really bad.6. You know where every "clip" shown in the Sopranos opening credits is.7. You know where to get drugs in Paterson, Newark, or New York.8. You know where to find fresh mozzarella and home-made raviolis and sausage.9. You know what a "stoop" is.10. You can see the Manhattan skyline from some part of your town.11. The Jets/Giants, Devils/Rangers, Flyers/Rangers, Devils/Flyers game has started fights at your school and/or local bar.12. You know how to translate this conversation: "Jeet yet?" "No, Jew?"13. You know that ours is the only "New" State that doesn't require the "New" (like try...Mexico, York, Hampshire; it doesn't work.)14. You still think The New York Jets should be called The New Jersey Jets and the Giants should be ours too because their friggin' stadium is here!15. You laugh till it hurts when someone tries using their "Newyawkatude on you.16. You know someone that knows someone that saw The Jersey Devil.17. You know that the only people that call it "Joisey" are from New York.18. All of your relatives live within 5 miles, most of them on the same block.19. You actually know who has the right of way in a circle.
You say "porta reeko" instead of puerto rico, as it should be pronounced.20. You can remember when Red Bank was still Red Bank.
You've spent more Saturdays in school than out.21. You can't understand why there aren't more 24-hour diners elsewhere in the country.22. The only people you can relate to anymore are from Brooklyn.23. You've had sex on the beach, and I'm not talking about the drink.24. You've met and partied with Jay and Silent Bob more than 10 times.25. You remember when The Jersey Devils wore the Italy colors.26. Pizza in Jersey taste the same as New York's is your attitude, and people that say "It's the water" are retarded. BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS THEY USE JERSEY TOMATOES IN THE SAUCE!27. You've said, "It smells like New York in here."28. The Garden State Parkway doesn't freak you out at night.29. You know what a "jug handle" is.30. You say "water" weird. (i.e. Wooder, Cawfee, Dawg, Wadever)31. Even your school made good Italian subs.32. You read this and can say you've done more than half of this list.
What American accent do you have? Your Result:
The Northeast Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak.
The Inland North
The Midland
The South
The West
North Central
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You Are 100% New Jersey! Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!
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