!-Create Table Above Interests Table-! !-Close out Intersts Tables-! --!Begin CUSTOM Table!-- !-START BLOCK FOR CUSTOM TABLE HEADER, remove it you do not want a header-!
xstupid.gurlx !-END BLOCK FOR CUSTOM TABLE HEADER-! !-Start Section for Custom Table Content-!
I am me..
The gurl everyone loves, but no one really knoz..
The gurl with a wonderful personality, but with loox she loathes..
I am the gurl who knos no boundaries..
I am the gurl wrapped up in chains..
The gurl who yew hold back threw the yearz..
And still the gurl who will never let yew see her tearz..
The gurl who loves change, but kant seem to move on..
I am the gurl still here long after you've gone..
The gurl whoz sarkasm far exceeds her worth..
The gurl whos sekretly hated life since birth..
I'm the gurl with wit quicker then a toddler on speed..
And yet still the gurl whos there in YOUR time of need..
I'm the gurl who loves to start shyte & never knoz when to quit..
I'm the gurl who solves payne with violence..
Who speaks first then thinks later..
The gurl who will tell yew the truth even if it makes yew kry..
I'm the gurl who will fall, but will never let yew see..
The gurl who is afraid to let go, but loves to be free..
The gurl who gets used and abused, but is skared to be alone..
The one who sits and waits by the fone..
I'm the gurl thats a kloset kase romantic..
The gurl whos love is brighter then the sun..
Whos love will dim to pitch black when its all said & done..
I am the gurl who sits on her angry chair..
The gurl who aktz like she never karez..
I'm the gurl whos hard as stone from what yew kan tell..
Whos inside is burning more then flamez in hell..
The gurl who wishes she had wings of a crow..
But those wings she'll never kno..
I'm the gurl who loves the high, but denys the addiktion..
The gurl who plays it over and over again..
The gurl who wants to, but will never let it end..
!-END Custom Table-!
!-ReOpen Interests Table, Create Headers-!
General ..
People that are real and like to juss chill. Fowk the drama.. lifes too short. If yew got a sense of humor, are easily ammused, and love to juss have fun we'll get along. No Liarz, Bullshitters, or Rude fowkin people. If yew wanna judge people.. Dew it somewhere else. I'll get along with juss about anyone as long as they kan juss be chill and i'm knot into bein rude unless its juss joking with friendz.. so keep that shyte to yoself.