My OtHEr haLf
actores del cine mexicano: Gael Garcia y Eduardo Verastegui.Open collars are SOO hot!!
But having no shirt is even better!!
EVELYN..mY bEAUtifUl SiStER EVElYN aNd CUZ RAQUEl.WitH GEORGE!!WitH MARiNA. INSidE H&M.tOp aRtiSts oN my iPOD are : kaNye wEst, 50 ceNt,alIcia kEys, beYonce, dAddy yAnkEe, tHe puSsycAt dOllz, rIhaNna, sEan pAUl, T.O.K, tEgO cAlderOn, 3 dOorS dOwN, mArOoN 5, aNgeL/KhrIs, CiaRa, frAnkIe j, hoObaStaNk, keLly cLarKsoN, winsIn & yAndEl, jOhN mayEr, grEeNdAy, gOo goO dOlLs, VanesSa caRltON, bOn jOvi, jOe, kC & jOjO, michEll braNcH, nIcKelbaCk, thrEe days gRace, JuaNEs, staInd & sOmE spAnIsH..... = )
You Are 60% Open Minded
You are a very open minded person, but you're also well grounded.
Tolerant and flexible, you appreciate most lifestyles and viewpoints.
But you also know where you stand firm, and you can draw that line.
You're open to considering every possibility - but in the end, you stand true to yourself.Laffing.cOffee.the new detective. cold case files. swiimiing. soccer. volleyball. raisin oatmeal cookies. smoothies. milkshakes. will & grace. King of queens. Evry1 luvs ray. sex & the city. spinach pie. sesame chickn. pernil. feta cheese fOr liife!! myspace. facebook. aim. friends. coffee beaner. friends. movies. o319. Raisha. HAYS HALL.
Legends Of the Fall, The Notebook, Dirty dancing :Havana Nights, Saving Private Ryan, Scareface, The Patriot, Ocean's Eleven, Million Dollar Baby
OmG, i fCuKiNg lOvE cOUrt tV, fOrenSic fIles,uNsOlvEd mystEriEs, tHe nEw dEtectIVes, hIstOry cHanNel, a&E, tHe nAtiOnal gEOgraPhiC cHaNneL, vH1, sEx aNd tHE cIty, thE rEal wORlD: kEy wEst, eVeRy1 lOveS raymOnd, frIeNds, wIll & gRaCe :)
dOES It lOok lIkE I cArE? - yEAh... i dIdNt tHiNk sOo.
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i dOnt rEad mUcH, i'D rAtHer sKip tHe novEl, aNd wAtCh tHe mOviE. bUt i hAve tO sAy tHe tOp 3 i'Ve reAd & liKD r: 12 anGry mEn, tHe jUnglE, & tHe lAtiNo waVe.
mY BEAUtifUl MOtHER...