wrestling events sports watching tv car shows hookah drinking tattoo piercing movies clubs computer music concerts family and friends bq fishing camping roasting marshollows skateboarding deep sea fishing taking pictures talking on my cell phone dirt bike riding off roading
border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" someone fun outgoing and likes me for me for because I am who I am and am proud of it
heavy metal rock rap r&b punk pop punk but the one music I can't stand is country music sorry but not for me
I like jim carrey movies adam sandler movies robert de niro movies johnny deep movies sin city goodfellas scarface friday the 13 movies all the nightmare on elm st movies the the fast and furiours movies 1 and 3 all 3 of the back to the future movies the night mare before christmas when a stranger calls I like comedy movies and love movies and chick flicks
family guy the simpsons south park wwe raw and smackdown ecw the real world pimp my ridetrl miam ink inked american choppers monster garage tna wrestling ufc
anything that am in to I will read
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