the bloody pies are bloody old
the bloody chips are bloody cold
the bloody beer is bloody flat
the bloody flats have bloody rats
the bloody clocks are bloody wrong
the bloody days are bloody long
it bloody gets you bloody down
evidently chicken town
the bloody train is bloody late
you bloody wait you bloody wait
you're bloody lost and bloody found
stuck in fucking chicken town
Danny Hull =] Bring on July!!
Matt Harris ;]
If i could i'd meet..
Jim Morrison
Larry David
Howard Marks
Russell Brand
I'd love it if I could meet a nice boy who'll treat me good and we'll go see movies and lose ourselves at gigs and argue over who'll win who on xbox =]
If I add you then it's because i find you interesting and would like to get to know you. I'm not one of those vain bellends who just wants another number on their friend count. Be patient, i'll say hey. But if i forget then it wouldn't hurt for you to say hello to me.
BUT I've already met the most important and amazing people in my life, these are my friends and i owe them my life.
Do it for the crack!
TheDoors.TheSmiths.Hendrix. TheStrokesScissorSisters.Justice.RufusWainwright.TheCharleto ns.ACDC.TheKooks.KingsOfLeon.SimonAndGarfunkle.Aerosmith.The Beatles.Oasis.StoneRoses.RollingStones.TheFratellis.WeAreSci entists.JoyDivision.DeathCabForCutie.Hadouken!.AndrewWK.Lyna rdSkynard.BiffyClyro.BritneySpears.CalvinHarris.DevendraBanh art.Klaxons.Nickelback.OkGo.Placebo.Metallica.ShinyToyGuns.M edicDroid.TheShins.SpillCanvas.Weakerthans.YouthGroup.30Seco ndsToMars.Pendulum.Nirvana.Whitestripes.KanyeWest. PrettyMuchEverything
AnAmericanWerewolfInLondon.TrueRomance.WithnailAndI.TheBigLe bowski.MallRats.Palindrome.Thumbsucker.Scarface.Fightclub.Am ericanHistoryX.PulpFiction.OneFlewOverTheCuckoosNest.FromDus kTillDawn.StTrillians.TheGoonies.TheGremlins.OriginalCharlie AndTheChocolateFactory.Girl,Interrupted.28DaysLater.Original DawnOfTheDead.
Curbyourenthusiasm .Supernatural.Skins.NearlyFamous.Shameless.JoolsHolland.
MrNice .MyBookieWook.EdgarAllanPoe.ToKillAMockingBird.ValleyOfTheDo lls.