minutes to midnight profile picture

minutes to midnight

defiant til the end.

About Me


Well wat can i say, i'm Jason.
I'm 17 n live in Hemel Hempstead (unfortunately). I'm soon gonna be in the armys parachute regiment(paratroopers), well i'm gonna try.
I live life for the now becos u neva kno wen it mite end, so i try n enjoy it all.
I love goin out drinkin with ma m8s and gettin horribly drunk, but then hu doesnt.
I also love goin to partys n generally bein out n sein people.
I like to meet new people and fuck around and have laughs n that so add me if u wanna chat,
dont add me if your one of those fukin myspace hussy cunts hu only care about "how many friends you have"
and picture upon picture of yourself in your gallery ur fake and i dont care
do add me if you are down to earth n wanna chat or wanna say somethin rissskk , safe x

My Interests

well ma main interests have to be my gd m8s..
the ones hu i spend most of my time with, i love them all and i can always count on them when i rele need them.
I've neva met ne1 in my life like these 5 people n doubt i ever will.
Dayle, Graham, Dan Ealand, jenny n j t o and LIZZY becos i love her
above everythin in life theres always those gd m8s

I love my friend Nicole she's like my sister n i dunno wat i'd do without her in ma life.
dashwood was in like every one of my stupid lessons at skl n we hav always been gd m8s n always will be safe x

Love these people.









Apart from ma m8s other interests are pretty straight forward:
Goin out.
Drinkin wiv m8s.
Ravin & generally bein out n about.
Used to kick box n loved it, still need to get bak into it agen cos it kept me fit lol.

I'd like to meet:

Its gotta be the almighty
You gotta love the Foo's there the best.
I hav to meet him!



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Created by Bart King