About Me
"This is YourSpace.
Your music. Your rants. Your reviews. Your requests. Your Mum."
- Sean Coleman. (Your Space, Kerrang Radio)
Feel free to listen to them as you browse my profile.
Turn your speakers up quite loud, if you plan to do so.
1: Still Remains - Stay Captive.
2: Madina Lake - Entrance + Adalia.
3: Bullet For My Valentine - Hearts Burst Into Fire.
4: Simple Plan - Entrance + Generation.
5: Aiden - I Set My Friends On Fire + Wall Of Death.
6: Kill Hannah - Entrance + Believer.
Favourite Lyrics:
Simple Plan <3
"Every time I leave my heart turns grey,
and I want to come back home to see your face...
Cause I just cant take it.
Another day without you with me,
is like a blade that cuts right through me."
Madina Lake <3
“Nervously I take your hand and promise you I'll take you for a ride...
'Someday we'll have it all, you and me we're gunna be stars.'
We’ll runaway from everything you hate,
runaway to everything you've wanted…â€
Madina Lake - 28th September 2007. (Birmingham Academy)
Enter Shikari - 28th October 2007. (Wolvohampton Civic)
Taste Of Chaos 2007 - Wednesday 21st November 2007. (Birmingham Academy)
Black Crusade Tour - Monday 26th November 2007. (Cardiff CIA)
Kerrang Tour 2008 - Wednesday 30th January 2008. (Cardiff University)
Bullet For My Valentine + Still Remains - Thursday 31st January 2008. (Newport)
My Passion - Saturday March 15th 2008. (London)
Kill Hannah + Aiden - Saturday 29th March 2008. (Cardiff Solus)
Kill Hannah + Aiden - Sunday 30th March 2008. (Bristol Academy)
Simple Plan - Monday 21st April 2008. (Bristol Academy)
Kill Hannah Live at Kerrang! - Thursday 1st May 2008. (Birmingham)
Download Festival 2008 - 13th, 14th, 15th June 2008. (Donnington)
Bristol Balloon Fiesta - Saturday 9th August 2008. (Bristol)
Mini-Fest with Fightstar - 16th August. (Trowbridge Hall)
Go:Audio - 19th August. (Bristol Academy 2)
MSI Live at Kerrang! - 23rd August. (Birmingham Barfly)
Kill Hannah - 28th September. (Bristol Academy)
Kill Hannah - 29th September. (Exeter Cavern)
Dragonforce - 30th September. (Cardiff University)
Aiden - 10th October. (Bristol Academy)
The Medic Droid, TBO, FFTL, WATO - 12th October (Bristol Academy)
Enter Shikari - 23rd October. (Newport Center)
Kill Hannah - 29th October. (London Astoria)
Kill Hannah - 1st November. (Birmingham Academy)
Simple Plan - Saturday 29th November. (London Forum)
I Am Ghost - 4th December. (Cardiff Barfly)
I Am Ghost - 5th December. (London University)
My Passion - 18th December. (Gloucester)
My Passion Live At Kerrang! - 20th December. (Birmingham)
Kerrang! Tour 2009 - 16th January. (Bristol)
Kerrang! Tour 2009 - 17th January. (Cardiff)
My Birthday - 21st January. (Everywhere)
IPS and My Passion - 28th January. (Cardiff)
IPS and My Passion - 30th January. (Exeter)
IPS and My Passion - 31st January. (Birmingham)
Lamb Of God - 11th February. (Bristol)
My Passion - 18th February. (Hitchin)
Fei Comodo - 3rd March. (Cardiff)
Madina Lake Acoustic. Hard Rock Cafe - 10th March. (London)
Jeffree Star + My Passion. - 21st March. (Milton Keynes)
The Rasmus - 10th April. (Wolverhampton)
The Rasmus - 11th April. (Nottingham)
Deathstars - 14th April. (Birmingham)
The Mission District - 15th April. (Cardiff)
Deathstars - 16th April. (Bristol)
Madina Lake - 29th April (Nottingham)
Madina Lake + Kill Hannah - 7th May (Cardiff)
Madina Lake + Kill Hannah - 8th May (London)
My Passion Album Launch Party - 18th May (London)
My Passion - 19th May (Ipswich)
My Passion - 27th May (Cardiff)
My Passion - 28th May (Weston Super Mare)
Saving Aimee + The Mission District - 2nd June (Bristol)
My Passion + Summerlin - 7th June (Birmingham)
My Passion - 22nd June (Newport)
My Passion - 26th June (Camden)
About Me:
This is My Space.
So I'm suposed to tell you
'about me' am I?
That's not going to happen.
Only three people know
'about me' and they are the three people closest to my heart.
What chance have you got?
I'll tell you all you need to know however.
I've never liked writing about myself.
The less I can think/talk/write about myself, is generally better I think.
Everytime I try and analyse myself, I just end up hating myself even more for the things I do.
So this may turn into a emotional ramble.
You have been warned.
Well, I like music. A lot.
Go see for yourself what I like. <
I can often be found at most of the major tours and shows in a year,
however student budget only allows so much.
If my hair gets in the way of your undoubtably 'amazing' photography you're going to get with your Samsung E550, I'm sorry.
I chose to arrive at 9am for this show, I've earned my place here.
No ones snide whispers about 'Hairspray' or 'Emo' will make me move.
Have a look at my Videography if you've got nothing else to do.
I take too many videos at most of the shows I go to.
Feedback is always appreciated.
My Videography
I know I spend too much time on my own.
I don't know if it's a good thing or not,
I think everyone needs time alone sometimes.
It's probably better to ask someone elses opinion of me,
rather than asking me myself.
I tend to be quite harsh on myself, so I've been told.
I'm working on it.
I'm alright once you get to know me, apparently.
I used to be quite good at helping people out with thier problems aswell,
although thats debatable,
but I'll always there for my friends and they know that.
I'm a good listener so I've been told.
I think I just suck at first impressions, so give me a chance, please?
The Past:
About 4 years ago I was diagnosed with Depression.
I had councelling and anti depressants,
but being told that it was all my fault,
and I was looking at life in a
negative way didnt really
cheer me up too much,
so I didnt stick at it very long.
Im not proud of that.
Looking back, they probably had a point,
in saying that ^ but I live on, i've learnt my lesson...
I'm better these days. Not happy, but better.
Recently I have become quite self concious and my
confidence has dropped quite a lot too.
I try to watch what I say more carefully these days too,
because I know how much it hurts when
sometimes things are said which aren't meant.
Don't laugh, you'd be suprised how selfish and hurtful people actually
are when you stand back and look.
Oh yeah, one other thing;
if you tell me about how great your weekend was,
or how much fun you had with your friends,
please don’t expect me to be overjoyed.
I am the most jealous person you'll ever meet,
and believe it or not, it hurts to have to sit, alone, and hear about
how much fun everyone else is having when your not.
I wanted to put something in here about how original and unique I am,
but as I am neither of those, I won’t.
I'll just say this,
I don’t believe in grouping people, labels or stereotypes.
I think it’s wrong.
I would say don’t label me, I’m just "me"
but it seems everyone is doing that recently.
It’s so common to be "just me" that it’s almost become its own label.
So, come up with your own opinions.
(Can I tempt anyone with a hug at this point?
I love them) ^^
You'll find out pretty quickly, I'm a HugWhore.
I've found recently I over-analyse myself too much.
If I'm too quiet, people will ask what is wrong,
and I'll feel bad in myself then.
If I’m too outgoing, I'll say or do something that I'll be ashamed of later.
It always happens. I’m trying to find a happy medium.
I worry about everything I do,
as every action has a consequence to someone, somewhere.
As strange as it sounds, I do appreciate my life is quite good.
I know I've got a select few awesome friends, I’m healthy, sort of...
... and I’ve got a lot of things I’m thankful for.
I am especially thankful for everyone’s help, support and care,
it means a lot to me even if I don’t show it.
I know I can be an emotional fuckup sometimes,
but... but nothing.
Despite my flaws, and don't judge me, you have them too,
I am a typical teenager. Believe it or not.
I’m studying Media Production at Lampeter University.
*whispers* It’s in Wales.
I am hoping to become a BBC Wildlife Cameraman
on a documentary series like The Blue Planet.
I’m not exactly enjoying this University stuff mind you,
It’s very scary and I want to go home, but I'll stick it out
because I know at the end of the day I'll have an education
which might get me somewhere in life.
I don't straighten my hair.
And I won’t tell you how I got it so naturally straight.
There is a big clue in the description I just gave you.
I don't wear make up.
I don't smoke.
I don't drink.
I don't have black hair.
I don't edit my pictures.
It wouldn't be me then, would it?
I don't have 3834 Myspace Friends.
I know, I'm not cool like you, am I?
I don't have a Truth Box.
Again, I'm guessing here, that makes me 'not cool' too, right?
If you want to tell me something. Tell me.
It isn't that difficult.
I don't like something just because everyone else does.
I don't pout my lips, 24 hours a day.
Infact, I don't pout my lips at all.
It makes me look stupid.
It makes you look stupid too.
I don't think I dress or act how you want me to.
Sorry. I never will.
If by some miracle I do dress and/or act how you want me to, then yay; have a hug! *hug*
I love you a little bit more than everyone else already xD
I don't deny I play up to the horrible stereotypes and clichés in life.
You do too.
You're sat at home, reading a MySpace Profile.
Your default photo is probably upside down and you have either bleached blonde hair, or hair extensions.
See, you play to them too...
Like most people, a lot of things annoy me.
I'm sure I can’t really talk,
because I know I annoy a lot of people myself.
You may be excused for 5 minutes. Go and straighten your hair.
GO! I'll just be sat here, having a rant...
If you post bulletins telling us about what kind of mood you’re in...
there is no help for you.
Why on earth would we care?
We don’t need to know.
Your just after sympathy, and it's too obvious.
Likewise, asking for "picture comments, dick'eds!"
Honestly, that’s the best way to prove to someone you’re an intelect
and headed for a job as a refuse collector.
How do you expect someone to do you a favour if you insult them?
I dispise the "MySpace Culture"
I cannot stand it.
"Hahahaha", "LOL" ", "funfunfun" or "yayyayyay"
does not make you cool.
You think it makes a difference if you type it three times?
I honestly don’t get why people do it.
Also, using “tbh".
To be honest, if you were posting a bulletin containing something that wasn't truthful,
I think you deserve to be eaten by your own dog.
Tbh you only use it to fit in with the rest of the My Space Whores.
And it's too obvious.
"I want some ice cream tbh".
Well done. I hope you choke on it and die. xD
You should communicate on here, like you communicate in real life.
If in real life you do go around using words like those listed above and below, then frankly I feel sorry for you.
Im sorry to say I can go a whole sentence without using the words "mayteeee" "brap" "innit" or "like" so if you talk like that, you've got about as much chance of being my friend as you do passing an english exam.
A bulletin, btw is meant to inform people of
an important event or to be used if you want to contact a lot of people at once.
It is not there to tell us that your getting your hair dyed,
or to tell us you’re ill, or to inform us that it’s Christmas Eve.
If I feel the need is there, I will comment your pictures.
No matter how many times you type
"PC 4 PC", it will not change the
likelihood of you actually getting a comment from me.
I don’t get it.
If it is just me who feels this way, I appologise.
I don't think it is though...
When you post your bulletins about how shit your hair
looks for your sleepover that night, think about the people
reading your bulletins, who don’t have a sleepover
to go to at all. They aren’t complaining are they, but you are...
That’s what it is.
Be thankful for what you’ve got,
dont rub your success into everyone else's faces,
because it doesnt make you look big, it makes you look
Think about it, before you post your next bulletin.
Anyway, I think Il shut up now before you all start sending me hate mail.
*hugs to everyone*
I love the fact my friends still want to be around me, despite everything.
The people I used to spend my
free lessons with at school mean a lot to me.
I wouldn’t have gone to school if I hadn't got to see you guys.
Chris, Simon, Jenny, Sam, Jenny P, Sam C, Hannah, Scott, Laura, Alb, Emma, TJ, Anja, Jamie, Alec and everyone.
Our trips to Stroud Cinema, Mini Christmas at Chris’ house, bowling in Stroud, Taste Of Chaos 07, and Give It A Name 07
were all awesome times, so thanks.
I miss you all.
There are also lots of people I’ve met online and
various other places who mean a lot to me too.
I love you all.
“I must admit, I’m not the kind of person who spends all his or her time on Bebobook or MyFace.â€
- Jeremy Clarkson. (Top Gear)