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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

....exploring inner / outer space & boundaries of beeing....cuz hey after all i'm just a grown up baby xD....I'm a very very serious music junky, shuffling thru my arsenal which requires a big share of time, on top of that i'm trying to come out myself, having a hard time having it like it should be....a bit tragic so far to cry out loud & of course i dig also so many other "artistic" expressions which nourish & influence me as a beeing ! Matter of fact I'm an inner city kiddo but i need & love nature for lifetime &luckily i was having really good chances from my childhood days up to today to enjoy the elements, the simple though megacomplex "real" environment with it's sheer uncountable organic creatures of any size and doing....thus keen to intensify my naturetime as i grow older remaining youg ;o)!!!! As happy i very positively believe & feel to be, as torn i am to be a witness, a suspect, a prey, an offender, a victim of what is going on and what isn't and my role innit....Fear & Loathing a lifelong ping-pong tournament it sure seems....This re-search on (my) philsophy runs all the time, the quest for love and truth equalling future me is eventually a neverending rally !....normal or not ? Blah blah :o) yes and no in my case of course....& Quite without a doubt i'm a hedonist but simultaneously i do try to be as light & kosher as possible in order to be part of a world & current that will do better as B4&TODAY....Cuz although i can shield off this and that i am affected by sheer everything happening whether that is local or global....Thus I feel the urge going deep into the nuttyness of all this matter floating round...the myth of "the meaning of life"....hence...wat de faq it shall be like....codex, style that shape what make me you us... So yes one can notice i might be a hyperthinker but luckily also a wicked enjoyer.... so u bloody Spacer aka advanced bonobo, reading my twisty summed up "general & About me-manifesto"...i am positively keen receiving some digits from you for whatever reason....P.S i got a mixed opinion on my space and familiar platforms...though fact is i gained some truly qool & nice friendships thru these spaces HERE................salàm..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The force(s) responsible for this queer fantasitc painfull happy motion moovee....& good hearted intelligent folks....creative fresh thinkers aka Debaters, Fantastics, funkey pioneers of fantastic realism ....Booh ?!? yoU ?!? The lady i cannot resist ;o)

& many if i had a funky timemachine so with Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad....in case they REALLY walked this earth!?! WHo for sure did is Dr. King, Nietzsche, Kerouac, John Lennon, Basquiat, Billy Holiday, Hendrix, Tesla & others

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