the girl. profile picture

the girl.

reflect the light, my child.

About Me

"What can I say to properly introduce you to my one and only daughter? Words, no matter how eloquent, would fail to capture the fulness of the woman she truly is. Ask anyone who knows her, even those who've just met her, and they'll often say, "she's so sweet". And so that's where we'll start- her "sweetness".
Unlike so many others whose "sweet" exterior smiles disguise a conniving, manipulative heart, Kyndra's sweetness is genuine and sincere. Even on her most stressed and harried days, and like all the daughters of Eve she surely has those, there is a depth of character that defies the petulent pessimism, angst and pathos so often found in others of her generation. It is a "sweetness" not dependent on mood or any personal sense of well-being, but of much more sturdy stock: her intuitive knowledge of the vagaries of people filtered through the lens of a heart filled with passionate, burning love for God. Her God, the one she knows so intimately, is a far cry from those capricious, inscrutable "Gods" feared or ignored by others. To Kyndra, God is personal, patient, accomodationg, approachable, faithful, forgiving- all the most desirable traits of a father, rightly held only by the One Father Who Is Heavenly.
It has been one of the great pleasures of my life to know this young woman. From before she was born, she was making changes in the hearts and lives of all she'd encounter, beginning with her mother and me. And although (for some illogical reason, probably having to do with male ego) I was SO sure she'd be a boy, she exited the womb as the regal, forceful woman she has become. With a loud and boisterous bellow, she made clear that hers would be a voice to be reckoned with. Her cries at the injustice of being expelled from the warmth and security of her mothers' womb has echoed down these nearly 2 decades. The cry of righteous indignation can still be heard in her words, both on a page or in their now more dulcet though no less uncomprimising tones. This is a voice which leads- a voice which captivates, cajoles, convicts and, ultimately, convinces the listener or reader. It's a voice which, I'm convinced beyond the shadow of ANY doubt, will quite literally change the world. She already has changed mine.
And so to whomever reads this, especially those meeting my precious daughter for the very first time- be alerted. Be fore-warned. This is no ordinary young woman (as if any woman could be "ordinary") you've encountered. This is a Godly woman: sweet, to be sure, but a woman to be respected, valued, cherished even. Certainly not to be trifled with.
So watch yourself, for you may rest assured beyond doubt- you are being watched. Her very name, Kyndra, means "wise, watchful one". But she is also watched over by her Fathers- both Heavenly and earthly. Like Solomon of old wrote in Proverbs 4:3 "For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother", so too, her mother and I are entrusting the likes of you to love, nurture, care for, protect and train our "tender and only beloved" daughter. Watch yourself. Watch our daughter. And be amazed. She will change her world."
-my daddy (he loves me)

My Interests

God- I want my life to be a love song to You.
People- old, young and everyone in between.
Music- discovering new and old songs to add to my life's soundtrack.
Writing- sharing my heart; the good, the bad and the ugly.
Photography- capturing life in all it's beautiful, hideous glory.

I'd like to meet:

Most people say they want to meet God, but I've already had the pleasure of making His acquaintance.

Please do not send a friend request unless we are really friends or if you feel it is our destiny to be friends. If the latter is the case, please message me and we will address the situation. Thank you.


Sigh. Quit being so lazy and find out for yourself.


Give me movies that make me think, laugh, quote, discover new bands, stare with complete awe at the sheer beauty of the cinematography... and I'm good to go.


Bible, Blessed Child, Blink, Atonement Child, The Watcher, Hangman's Curse, Black, Red, White, Thr3e, House, Mere Christianity, Blue Like Jazz

My Blog

Scratch a back next to ya

I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive... but you are dead. Now wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is at the point of death... -Revela...
Posted by the girl. on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 11:23:00 PST

Here's a penny...

Now try scratching the surface. _____________ I went to the eye doctor today, got my eyes checked [I've heard that's a good thing to do when you go to an eye doctor]. Surprisingly, he said my eyes hav...
Posted by the girl. on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 12:35:00 PST

Be still and know

Holidays. Vacations. Weekend getaways. Whether you're a student in high school or an adult, everyone craves a break from the normal and frantic pace of life. That's why verses like Psalm 46:10, in whi...
Posted by the girl. on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 08:02:00 PST

Smile for me

Wednesday night: I headed to Albertson's on a mission for my family to rent "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and buy graham cracker crusts for cheesecake. I grabbed my graham cracker crus...
Posted by the girl. on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 12:50:00 PST


I've never felt so lost and yet so perfectly at home than I did this weekend. Talk about a love so far beyond what I could ever find in any thing or any one on this earth. I can't even begin to descri...
Posted by the girl. on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 10:45:00 PST

You are so beautiful to me, can't you see?

They won't see the fire you have lit inside of meThey look up to the stars and wonder where you might beThey look upWithout realizing they're standing in the palm of your handI can't explain or unders...
Posted by the girl. on Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:25:00 PST

The sting of

I'm far to cool for school. I quit. No. I don't quit. That would be lame. But I've had a suck egg week. STRESSSSSSSSSS. _______ But none of that's important. The real problem is, I can't stand t...
Posted by the girl. on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 11:30:00 PST

Sepia tone loving

Every single morning, my grandpa wakes up early to make tea or coffee, and brings a nice warm cup of it to my grandma in bed. After much thought about how absolutely adorable that is...I've deci...
Posted by the girl. on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 07:31:00 PST

Garden State

Karl: Hey man, I thought you killed yourself. Andrew: What? Karl: I thought you killed yourself. That wasn't you? Andrew: No, no, tha-that wasn't me. ___ Sam: What do you do? You laugh, you know? I'm...
Posted by the girl. on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 01:06:00 PST


People. Keep your dreaded diseases to yo'self. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I didn't go to school today...which really bums me out. I don't like missing school...(yes, I'm a nerd). And...
Posted by the girl. on Sat, 22 Oct 2005 07:13:00 PST