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About Me

ME IM COOL COM AN CALLECT IF YOUR WITH BUISNES THEN IM WITH IT I LIKE FEMALES THAT COOL WITH THE BizzNESS OUT TO GET WHAT'S RIGHT Black man, Black boy, Prince, Thug, Revolutionary, Symbol. They only see your tattoos, jewelry, and body language. They only hear your vulgar words, defiant messages, and your unavoidable controversy. They see your life as a threat, they comment chickens came home to roost They blame you for violence in America, they pour disgust on you and point the finger at you for problems in our families. Black man, Black boy, Prince, Thug, Revolutionary, Symbol. We see you as the dark truth they are scared to accept. We see you as the voice we sometimes could not find. We see you as a young Malcolm X. Alcohol, drugs, women and prison consumed you, as it did Brother Malcolm. Yet those that knew you, knew you were on the way out, you had seen the light and moved toward it. We felt your pain, so similar to ours. We felt your frustration, so similar to ours. We felt your anger, so similar to ours. You are an unavoidable realness. To Generation X, as they describe it, you are a 1996 Elvis, John Lennon, Jimi Hendricks, Sammy Davis, Ella Fitzgerald. Those that don't know, may never know. Those that do know, truly know that... Only God Can Judge You! I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

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