Spending time with my family, Watching Movies, Music, Reading, Cuddling my dog Zoey, Playing World of Warcraft, star gazing and day dreaming, sitting on the beach if I ever get a chance to, drinking good wine and eating good food with great company
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Where to start.... there are so many! Smiths, AFI, Blaqk Audio, Beastie Boys, The Cure, Coldplay, Green Day, Depeche Mode, Ani Difranco, Isaac's Band - The Happy Campers, No Use for a Name, Jeff Buckley, Dashboard, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Anything that you can shake your hump to, and the good ol' 80's tracks that you can't help but rock in the car. Basically... a bunch of everything
80's Brat pack movies, Lord of the Rings, Princess Bride, Harry Potter, The Notebook, Any Kevin Smith movie, Michael Moore flics, and things that make me laugh out loud.
Greys Anatomy, CSI Vegas, Lost, So You Think You Can Dance, Big Love, Ghost Whisperer, Heros, Food Network, 60 Minutes
Harry Potter Series, Wicked, The Alchamist, The Mists of Avalon, Parenting books, Medical Books
My Hero is hands down my son Azure. He came into this world with eveything stacked against him. He was born almost three months early and weighed only 2lbs. He has mild brain damage and visual impairments however he has never let anything hold him back. He faces the world with a smile on his face and love in his heart. He reminds me everyday how precious every little moment of life truly is.