~MS. TERJUNA~ profile picture


Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies.The heart of her husband safely trus

About Me

I'm a senior at Fulton High, I laugh at almost EVERYTHING lol....see! I love havin fun and hangin with my friends. I love people who are real at ALL times (like me) and I don't like "dem games" so if you are fake, U BETTA GET SUM ACT-RITE wen ur on my page. I'm a full-time christian lol and I like a boy who is "on fire" for Christ. I'm single and a lot of people say I'm silly and sweet. I'm a daddy's girl "I LOVE MY DADDY YEP YEP YEP!!" I love my whole family and I dont Know where I wuld be without them. My best friend is Miasha. Those who know me will always see me with her,she is my girl for life. We've been best friends since 6th grade and we have been thru it all. Unlike most people, she's never changed, she's tha realest girl I know. I'm very blessed to have her as my best friend. I don't know what else to say except WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE and get at me... love layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

Talking/Texting on the phone, dancing, singing, laughing, anything that takes up time and is F-U-N
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I'd like to meet:


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contemperary christian, gospel, hip hop
What TERJUNA Means
T is for Thrilling

E is for Extraordinary

R is for Relaxed

J is for Jolly

U is for Unnatural

N is for Nutty

A is for Artistic
What Does Your Name Mean?


MyHotCommentsLove and Basketball, Lion King and ALL THE DISNEY MOVIES lol , Memoirs of a Geisha, All About You, One Night With The King, All tha SpiderMan movies, Save the Last Dance, and Stomp The Yard


Deal Or No Deal and sum mo
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MY DREAM SLIPPED AWAY by: Terry Minor Sr. , LEFT BEHIND series, and Rick Joyner's series: The Final Quest, The Torch and The Sword, and The Call. Kyra and Jason, Sins And Secrets


My Mama and Daddy and Jesus
Age?: 16
Race?: BLACK
Religion?: CHRISTIAN
Height?: 5'7
Weight?: 1SUMTHN
Eye color?: DARK BROWN
Wear contacts?: NO
Current hair color?: BLACK WID MAROON STREAKS
Do you dye it?: YES
Is it long?: YES
Do you have bangs?: YES
Are you patient?: NO
Are you pessamistic?: ??
Do you like animals?: YEP!
Watch the Discovery channel?: NO
Are you into sports?: YEAP
Favorite sport(s)?: FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL
Favorite movie(s)?: LOVE & BSAKETBALL
Watch WWE?: NO
What would you do without music?: I DUNNO
What song(s) can you relate to the most?: KIESHA COLE'S LOVE
Do you dance for no reason?: HAHA YES
Are you sometimes shy to dance in public?: NOT REALLY
Do you usually make the first move?: NO
Do you giggle a lot?: YES
Have any pets?: YES
If so, how many?: 3
When did you last go shopping?: B4 SCHOOL STARTED
How much did you spend?: ALMOST $130
What store did you go to?: KOLHS, GOODYS, STEVE & BERRYS
Do you take a long time to shop?: YEH
Are you hard to shop for?: YES
Do you drive?: WILL SOON
Own your own car?: WILL SOON
If so, what year is it?: --
Know anything about cars?: NAW
Are you sympathetic?: YEH
Who did you last talk to?: MY DADDY
What was your last drink?: LEMONADE
Is your TV currently on?: TBN
Do you watch Lifetime?: YES
Favorite band(s)?: JONAS BROTHERS
Favorite singer(s)r?: A LOT
Did you ever get drunk?: NO
If so, when?: --
Do you like kittens?: NO
What is your favorite color?: YELLOW
Favorite color combination?: YELLOW AND ORANGE
Watch the news?: SOMETIMES
Are you in school/college?: HIGH SCHOOL
If so, what grade are you in?: 12TH
Are you a good student?: YES
Are you currently listening to a CD?: NO
If so, what song is currently on?: --
Do you get apprehensive around the police?: NO
Ever gotten arrested?: NO
Spent the night in the slammer?: NO
When was the last time you went partyin'?: HUMMM...
Are you lazy?: YES
Like arguing?: NO
Are you a good speller?: Y-E-S....YES :-)
Ever consider going into modeling?: NO
Ever becoming an actor/actress?: PROBABLY
Are you in love?: NO
If so, how long have you been together?: --
Do you feel the end is near?: --
Are you a huge dater?: NO
If not, can you count how many guys/girls you've been with?: YES
How old were you when you received your first kiss?: 11
Ever been outside of U.S.?: NO
If so, where?: --
How long were you there?: --
Been in a car accident?: YES
If so, was it serious?: NO
Do you talk about other people?: NO
If so, why?: --
Do you have fake MySpace pictures?: HAHA NO
Do you lie about your age on MySpace?: NO
If so, why are you being dishonest?: --
Ever cried when a famous person passed away?: YES
Like to drink tea?: NOPE
Do you have more than 512 friends on MySpace?: NOPE
Have an online journal?: NOPE
Are you a crybaby?: NAW
Like to create drama?: NOPE
If so, why?: --
Wear eyeliner/makeup?: SOMETIMES
If so, do you wear a lot of it?: HECK NO
What are you currently wearing?: MY WORK CLOTHES
What would you say your style is? Punk, preppy, etc.?: PREPPY/CLASSY
Do you work?: YES
How long have you been at your job?: SINCE 2005
Do you get along with most people?: YES
Do you pretend to be someone you're not?: NOPE
Do you fear people won't accept you for who you are?: NOPE
How long have you had a MySpace?: DUNNO
Do you know a lot of your 'Friends' in real life?: YES
Who was your first friend on MySpace?: TOM...DUH LOL
What is the last movie you saw?: SPIDERMAN 3
What is your favorite commercial?: AXE...BOW CHICKA BOW BOW!!!!!!
Spent more than a thousand dollars in one day?: NO BUT I PROLY WILL SOON
Been to SixFlags?: NO :-(
Have best friends, or just close friends?: BOTH
Like to talk on the phone a lot?: YES
Have siblings?: YES
Do you get along most of the time?: YES
Are you on anti-depressants?: NO
Ever been so heartbroken to where you cried youself to sleep for months?: NO
If so, do you still love that person?: ---
Do you have rich grandparents?: YES
Did you ever feel lonely, even with friends around?: ??
Are you a good test taker?: YES
Ever gotten an E in your favorite class?: IN ELEMENTARY LOL
Have a favorite teacher?: YES
If so, who?: MS. SCOGGINS
Like to study?: NO
Are you dorky?: NO
Like to tan?: NO
Like going to the pool?: NOT ESPECIALLY
Ever cleaned silver/gold?: NAW
Like cleaning your house?: IF IM N THE MOOD
What is the longest you've spent cleaning your house?: ABOUT 4 HRS
Do you live on a busy street?: NO
Are you scared of the dark?: NOT NE MORE
Play board games?: SURE
Enjoy long walks?: YES
Understand the Sign Language?: A LIL BIT
Like Punk Rock?: NO
Think Linkin Park is awesome?: NO
Still watch cartoons?: YES
Laugh to Johnny Bravo?: NO
Would you ever want to visit Japan?: YES
How about Greece?: SURE
How many bedrooms do you have in your house/apartment?: 5
Bathrooms?: 3
What is the main color of your house/apartment?: BAIGE
Are you a messy person?: NOT AT ALL
Do you cuss a lot?: NOT AT ALL
Pray at all?: ERY DAY!!
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