Music, Art, Cooking, Tattoos, Music, Movies, & Music.You Feelin' Lucky Punk?!
Johnny Cash, Nick Cave,Sinatra, Elvis,Black Flag, Rollins Band, Social Distortion,Allman Brothers,Slayer, Neil Dimond, David Bowie, Queen, Patsy Cline,The Buisness, Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies, HayRide To Hell, Rammstein, Nashville Pussy, The Specials, Tiger Army, Daniel Lioneye, Motorhead,Pantera, Leonard Cohen, Shitkickers, Supersuckers, Devo, AC/DC, Janes Addiction,The list goes On & On & On & On......I think it's a little time consuming to sit here and name every band or singer I like. I love music and music loves me!!
Super Troopers, True Romance,The Badseed, Rosmary's Baby,The Omen, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Reservoir dogs, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, RoadRacers Casino, Mystic River, Scarface, Godfather I & II, Kill Bill, Love and a .45, Boonedock Saints, Robert Rodriguez Movies, Oliver Stone Movies, Tim Burton Movies, Frida, House of 1000 corpses, Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Fight Club, David Lynch movies, anything with Angelina Jolie(good or bad) and so on, and so on, and so on, and...... language="javascript" src=""function nothingf(){document.write("{}");}..
The Simpsons, LOST, CSI, Family Guy, Chappelle Show, Las Vegas, Ab Fab, The Sopranos, Deadwood,Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Carnival, Twin Peaks, I have a strange obsession with Smallville. I think it may have to do with the guy who plays Clark Kent? The Shield, Nip/Tuck, scrambled porn. Let face it I watch to much fuckin T.V.!!Oh yeah SuperMan!!!
Where the side walk ends,The Dictionary, J.P. Novels, Hunter S. Thompson ,King Ink I & II, William S. Burroughs, Stephen King Novels , Books I pick up off the street, My house is filled with shop manuals and Hot Rod Magazines in the bathroom (thanks Ash!), the phonebook, the backs of cereal boxes ......
Beauty Love Kindness Family Trust = Mom..