Friends and cool people that dont mind helping other people who are down and need a little inspiration. Someone who can give a kind word and can be genuine in who they are-Someone that can can drink whiskey all night or rock a party until dawn or whenever. Someone who can listen to head thrashing metal and speak to their mother with genuine affection as they turn the music down to take her call. Someone who can stay up for 3 days and on the verge of crashing realizing its your friends birthday stay up for another 2 days -out of shear love. These are the type of quality individuals I like to surround myself with. Entertainer -Musicians-Magicians-COMEDIANS -Actors- These are the artists-(when everyone else is sleeping ) are working on their goals and apirations and the end product of touching peoples lives thru their creative outlets.The people who cant get enough from the entertainers and models-who post as friends because they have been remotely touched in some way or fashion.These are the people I want to meet. And remember a hug is one of the most intimate things that anyone could ever give you.