hullo! i am a 8 month old half Siamese, half tabby recently neutured male kitten. i was born in the state of alabama. i got caught in a car trying to find a warm place to sleep and was badly injured. i was taken into a shelter where i had to have surgery on my chest and on my back. i had a big scar that is now invincible. i was adopted by my mum who was visiting. i had to travel 6 hours up to Memphis, where i currently reside. i am an active cat, who loves to drink water on my side! i also love to suck my paw when i feel happy! my mum thinks i'm weird, but she just doesn't understand!
You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful,
energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the
center of attention and you love every minute
of it.
What breed of cat are you?
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