I was born to enter my name into a random slogan generator. Enjoy...1. There's first love, and there's BJ love.
2. Mama Mia! That'sa one spicy BJ!
3. BJ - It looks good on you.
4. The joy of BJ.
5. Drinka pinta BJ a day.
6. Unzip a BJ.
7. Don't get mad, get BJ.
8. I bet he drinks BJ.
9. We want to be Smith's BJ.
10. It does exactly what it says on the BJ.
11. Wow! I could've had a BJ!
12. Nuthin' says lovin' like BJ from the oven.
13. Put a BJ in your tank.
14. Lipsmackin' Thirstquenchin' Acetastin' Motivatin' Goodbuzzin' Cooltalkin' Highwalkin' Fastlivin' Evergivin' Coolfizzin' BJ.
15. You too can have a BJ like mine!
16. You can really taste the BJ!
17. The BJ goes straight to your head.
18. Do you eat the BJ last?
19. For a hard-earned thirst, BJ.
20. Mum's gone to BJ.
21. BJ saves your soul.
22. The BJ of champions.
23. A tough BJ to follow.
24. Good BJ has Danish written all over it.
25. Feel the raw naked BJ of the road.
26. Exceedingly good BJ.
27. Get more from BJ.
28. An army of BJ.
29. Now with 50% more BJ.
30. Show me the BJ!
31. You need a BJ!
32. A different kind of company. A different kind of BJ.
33. It's a BJ adventure!
34. Don't be vague. Ask for BJ.
35. Sweet as the moment when the BJ went "pop."
36. Run for the BJ.
37. Welcome to BJ country.
38. BJ unscripted.
39. BJ really satisfies.
40. All you need is a BJ and a dream.
41. We're serious about BJ.
42. I'm only here for the BJ.