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I Had the opportunity togo on a road trip with SinfullysweetLullaby to the Atlanta Georgia Aquarium, and it was awsome! It opened last year, and is the largest in the world. They where gifted 3 juvenile whale sharks, read more about it here.
Georgia Aquarium
Ok I always hate this part....
Who is Aquapixie, well I see myself as a typically shy person, However my friends say something different :)
To keep myself out of trouble, I keep my self occupied with SCUBA diving, it has truely become a passion for me.
I try to spend as much time in the water as possible -
I am a PADI Certified Rescue Diver, and Dive Master
I LOVE to hear other divers stories and adventures so please drop me a note and share. I will often post my adventures and pictures so feel free to look around :)
When not diving I enjoy hangin with good friends, reading, hanging out at a cool club to dance (albeit not often enough) and of course just being a woman...
I Scuba Dive, Rock Climb, and even Sky Dive. My girls tell me I am not your 'typical' mom..
I hope some day to be able to persue my passion in diving and and take it to the next level by becoming an underwater photography and videography professional - offering services to other divers who wish to capture those incrediable moments!
Till Later Pixie Kiss's
Which Elemental Fairy Are You?
Your A WATER Fairy!!!As an elemental raindrop of a water fairy, your characteristics mimic those of the liquidity of the water itself. Resembling the fall of water droplets as gravity pulls them downward; your tears speak for you. You are ruled by your emotions and pour your earths blood into everything you do. The blood in your veins, runs through you like the river in the canals; peaceful and serene. You are romantic as the moonlit lake you glide upon, and sentimental, and affectionate as the rain you cry. You nurture your relationships emotionally and physically. Your artistry flows from your hands and into the life that swirls around you like a whirlpool. As spontaneous as the rhythm of the rapids, your moods are ever-changing and unpredictable.
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