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the early years- foreigner, the beez, van halen, crazy stupid rock. I don't know where that came fromgrade school to highschool - sign me up for the killer B bbbB96 I loved the dance musicearly highschool - I finally discovered 2pac and started on a rap crusade that lasted for years, it is and will always be in the bloodlate highschool till now- I discovered music, The Dave Matthews Band changed something in my music subconscious and sent me on a path of everything, old country not so much death metal take care have a good day team rd.... f**kin rocks
I've only made 2 cameo apperances......jk.......happy gilmore, the count of monty christo, tommy boy, liar liar, shawshank redemption, and stupid action movies that are so unbelieveable that they are funny.
old school cartoons, some old sit coms now i like prison break, smallvile, nip tuk
My brother! enough said!!!!!