not deserts...real food. If you got room for desert, why not pack down another side of beef instead.
I like girls with a purpose in life other than starving themselves to be something they're not! I'm all about eating honey, so if you want a wedge of this pie, you better be about to pack it down baby!
Anything I can skank to without breaking a sweat.
Movies are good with plenty of buttery popcorn and lots of hotdogs. Oh yeah cheesey nachos can be good with that too.
Watch ALOT of TV. In fact the sofa I sit on leans a bit to the right sorta like my bellybutton (which is now pierced BTW though you need to squint to even see it).
Books are for people who know too much or think they know too much. I don't think anyone should be reading unless it's to read a cook book to cook up something for me.
Richard Simmons...NOT! That pompous faggit. He should just let us girls be as big as we want. Who is that shrimp to tell us all that we should be skinny anyway. Doesn't he know that fat girls rule.