Im too smart to smoothly talk. It's been hard living a lifestyle that has been set up for the closest thing to a genius, without having communication problems, and destined to be a rokctsar. Fortunately and Un, there is more and more hope for this Guy. Too bad they all still call me crazy here in Snobbsdale. well i say fuck them than and fuck their money. if they think they're all better than you well, why can't you get over yourself and realize everyone bleeds the same. well all the same to me. you junkies, go ahead and beat your body 6 feet under for all i really care. or treat your mind to some MAO's. either way. I'm just trying to stay as respectful as possible while the government is set on killing me:} or is that just my martyr speech?:UnDistInGuiSHed: Viewer Discretion May Implemented
You've probably heard about Melatonin supplements sold as a cure for insomnia. Indeed, this hormone is the body's own shut-down mechanism, and production of it usually kicks in as dusk begins. The suprachiasmatic nucleus sets itself based on the past several days' pattern of light and dark, slowly adjusting itself in pace with the seasons. It does seem important for people to be exposed to at least some strong, direct light (sunlight or artificial) around mid-day, and for the overall patterns of dark and light to change slowly and naturally. People with bipolar disorders appear to have more difficulty in regulating this system. It's a chicken-and-egg situation: the rhythms are disordered, so sleep, waking, and other patterns are disturbed. As insomnia, oversleeping, changes in eating habits, and higher or lower activity levels set in, the clock gets harder to reset, and the person becomes more and more ill.1_______
Formal Health Site:
Males can also be affected by gender bias. A man or boy with undiagnosed bipolar disorder may come to the attention of the criminal justice system before he sees a mental health professional. He may find himself with a police record rather than a treatment plan, simply because moody, unpredictable, aggressive behavior in males is generally seen as a personal problem, not a medical one. Statistically, males with bipolar disorder are more likely to get involved in potentially criminal, aggressive, assaultive, or risky behavior than females. This may be because males often have greater access to tools that make such behavior more dangerous, such as weapons and fast cars. There may also be more cultural acceptance of aggressive, risky, and even assaultive behavior among males, leading to missed diagnosis, and missed opportunities for intervention. Even though females are more likely to attempt suicide, males are more likely to actually kill themselves.
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
dumb nirvana
BS Double Flip
2 Noses, 1 Run, 3 Fingers
Dock Session 5/18/09
BS Flippies
This Is What Went Down When The Dinosaurs Existed...
Flippypoo In, Flippypoo Out