unpersons profile picture


About Me

having existed now and then in savannah, athens, atlanta, somewhere in australia, portland, lund (sweden), and rennes (france), 1997 -i nowwill recapitulate the years of ignominy:formed in 1997 in savannah, ga while in high school. played a bunch, took lots of acid. released first 7" a bare month before the end of the millennium which saw the heights and depths which make up our musical inspirations. began touring in 2001, moved all over the damn place and released records sporadically on numerous independent labels. toured the u.s. numerous times, letting s/he who hath ears know that our name was called disturbance and we were born under a bad sign. settled into an existence the intermittent but abiding furor of which is matched only by concomitant southern gentility, bourbon capacity, and sheer willingness to be our own last straw.We're Doing This On Purpose.discography:7" on fish fur records, 5 songs, recorded/released 2000. out of print.II cd on fish fur / born to die, 10 songs, recorded 2001, released 2002. out of print.III cd on at a loss recordings, 11 songs, recorded and released 2003. in print.IV: self portrait cdep on life is abuse records, 1 blunderpiece, recorded 2002, released 2004. in print.a grey sigh in a flower husk (V / Baroness split) cd/lp on at a loss recordings, 6 pieces, recorded 2004 - 2005, released june 26th, 2007.live cassette, self released, 6 songs, recorded in savannah 2005, released 2006. limited 50 copies, gone.for those keeping track, the other groups in which we have played: institute, karst, exit ghost, divorce, ismb...d, whiskey dick, fucking serpent, otolith, sheath, and perhaps more.other groups in which we play now: kylesa, pig heart transplant, bite itself, and perhaps more.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/01/2006
Band Website: www.atalossrecordings.com
Band Members: carl: drums / judson: guitar / matt: bass / sanders: guitar, bourbon-mouth, noises.
Influences: rudimentary peni, zz top, the jesus lizard, rorschach, melvins, lynyrd skynyrd, germs, king crimson, the birthday party, thin lizzy, black sabbath, dazzling killmen.
Sounds Like: our name is called disturbance.
Record Label: at a loss / life is abuse / born to die / fish fur
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

mtv news?

apparently 'a grey sigh in a flower husk' got album cover of the week on mtvnews.com so, i guess, congratulations john and baroness and us.http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1563346/20070625/story.j html
Posted by on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:31:00 GMT

interview / reviews of "A Grey Sigh in a Flower Husk"

interview-type-thing in the june/july issue of rocksound magazine. check it out. i conducted it from inside the library where i was finishing my thesis.reviews: they are apparently all over the place....
Posted by on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:52:00 GMT

baroness / unpersons "a grey sigh in a flower husk" OUT ON JUNE 26

cd out june 26th on at a loss recordings.we may have copies sooner that you can buy from us.i'll post the artwork soon, probably.also, we're touring july 27th - august 13th on the east coast. help us ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:44:00 GMT


i decided to post these words. i can't find the first two releases and anyway the words there are worse than these are, if you can fathom that. maybe i'll find them later and add them, if anyone cares...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 22:58:00 GMT

News of the World...

News of the World... ...no, not the queen album. we're unpersons, and we're doing this on purpose. we're not dead, just thought i'd re-iterate that; and having done so, drop a few piece...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 20:25:00 GMT

new affiliated musick (sic)

NOW YOU ALL KNOW THAT I'M NOT NORMALLY ONE FOR POSTIN' ALL FORM AND MANNER OF BULLETINS. but i am doing so now. on account of how i got this new thing going, you see: i'm in this group p.h.t. with so...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 21:32:00 GMT

merchandise / finances puissantes

if you want merch, email us. we have things left from tour, viz. red and black on grey tshirts,old shirts (two varieties, both on black)II, III, IV cds a few copies of the new live cassette with smal...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:30:00 GMT

upcoming shitz

he that hath ears, let him hear:the baroness/unpersons split will be out soon on cd (hopefully soon enough for our tour) and on lp pretty shortly thereafter. it will feature some tunes, and some other...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 14:50:00 GMT