Be With Me
J. Holiday | MySpace Music VideosREALLL PEOPLE..The world is sooo fake these days..REAL people is hard to come by.. Someone that can except every part of BAD's and my good's..I'm sick of fake love in the relationship world these days.. if you say "i love you" it doesnt mean has to be SHOWN not SAID people..Actions DEFFF speak LOUDER then not lookin for no dum little kid CRUSHIN' im over on some grown shit please believe!!!!! LooKiN' for someone that compliments me and doesnt bring me down..AS FAR AS FRIENDS GO.....all my friends know i SUCK at calling u back, AND lag like hell on i have a shitty memory, very ONE track..once i get stuck on something i drop all else to get that done and trying to learn to spread myself out a bit better :) !!!I LOVE!!! people that can make fun out of any given situation, and always look at the bright side of it all. I love to be around people that love to be around me... Friends that accept you and your lifes choices and are down for you no matter what.