I can't remember a time when I didn't sing! I got my first guitar at the age of seven, but it wasn't until I was 14 that I started playing to accompany some poems I had written.
What followed was a teenage that revolved around hanging out with grungy boys. After inheriting a bass guitar of unknown origin and that was so heavy I had to sit down to play it, I joined forces with local lads Chris, Brewer, Steve, Sam and Dan to form Jigsaw Pig. We played a cracking version of "Rockin' in the Free World"!
When Uni beckoned I met up with Nathan, Rob, Steeny and Rich and screamed my lungs out with "Spengler" opting for Mondays at the open mic at the Railway in Winchester to keep my sanity.
After being inspired by living in Finland for 3 months, I came back and wrote more songs, putting them down in rough in Chris and Vicky's basement, as Vic sat upstairs, feeling the vibrations through her feet.
Another boy, another band, back to Bass with President Gas all the time sporadically writing new material whilst starting a family.
Eight years down the line everything is different, but good. Things have a habit of turning around when you least expect them to. Here's to the ever changing saga...
Solid Air May 07 (courtesy of T.Pawley):I hope you like what you hear, and hope to see you around sometime.