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Visit MySpaceStuff.org I live to ride at least 10 months a year but with work and Dj jobs it can be tough But I ride with my Boyz from the V.C. Vicious Cycle MC PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.comA woman who is secure with herself and doesn't need a man in her life but wants a man to be there. A woman who can hold her own and be happy with herself first so she can be happy with someone else in their life.... I really low maintainence but I do love a wooman who likes to take care of herself and treats herself well. PhatPimpClothing.com
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30,000 Music Video Codes | MySpace Layouts p align="center" I like alot of diffrent music from old rock ac/dc, Iron Maiden, Kiss, Too short, david banner, CMW, NWA, Keith Sweat, Jahiem, Nelly, Ludacris, Lil Jon, Scarface, A.T.L. "above the law" Spice 1, tupac, Ghetto boys, dj magic mike & royal posse, 2 live crew, Ice cube, Ice-T, Mc shy d, Afrika bambatta and the zulu nation, original hip-hop back when the mainstream wasn't part dougie fresh, KRS-one, public enemy, leela james, alot
Action and comedy movies chris rock, eddie murphy, chris tucker , jet li , eddie griffin STUNT VIDS MY BOYS FROM "TEAM OUTERMOST" SET IT OFF wassup manny,Edub, lil dave , mikestyle type="text/css"
.code { Layout Copyright Freeweblayouts.net - No Redistributing }I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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CIVIL RIGHTS BOOKS I collect books on civil rights heros I also read sport rider, 2 wheel tuner, cycle dreams http://www.pecash.com/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?af=3778&site=223 PhatPimpClothing.com
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