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About Me

This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help! Humble Man willing to help others get where they need to be. Often spread joy to others in time of need. Deep love for the Almighty, Culture, and History of Mankind. Goals is to have a positive impact in whatever I do without sacrificing what I feel is real. Want to find out more? Link up!!

My Interests

Music, Food, African/Religious History, Uplifting Seminars....and yes of course women, how could I live without 'em?


Love a wide variety of music. Was raised in Canada but never forget my roots: Calypso, Soca, Reggae, Hip Hop, R n B, Jazz and Soul


Saw Gladiator 5 times in the movie theatre.


Not really...might catch some sports and a little bit of B.E.T.


Anything Spirtual or Historical....Thumbs Up!!!


Freedom Fighters; Nat Turner, Cunta Kente, Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X, Elridge Cleaver, Tafari Mokonen, Menelik I/II, Solomon, King David, Moses, Yashua, Nelson Mendela, Abraham name a few.