playing outdoors - skiing/boarding, climbing, hiking, wakeboarding, journaling, permaculture, new music, worldwide exploration, photography, driving hard and fast, vino, backing up words with action, modern art, trying food i can't pronounce, coffee, walking, visual design, the pursuit of something greater than myself
the inspired and those needing inspiration
love it. can't get enough of it.
why watch someone else have all the fun/excitement/emotion/adventure/comedy/action when you can go out there and have it happen in real life?
turn off your tv - read a book or go write one
1 - The Bible.The Gift of Fear, Velvet Elvis, Captivating, The Alchemist, The Count of Monte Christo, any world atlas, Oh the Places You'll Go, Blue Like Jazz... and many more. Read Vagabonding. You need to go buy it right now. here is a link: =1099459072/sr=8-1/ref=pd_csp_1/103-9966655-0040610?v=glance &s=books&n=507846