Here We representing our PRIDE , my latinos ,and icelandic students that integrates DE LX-SQUAD . Latin mix squad !where we dance whatever dance style we like!
If you are of any other Ethnicity and loves to dance to the bit and wants to learn the styles that (Rossie) can teach you then dont hesitate to contact Rossie on latinmix which is a site with music historical, music to listen to and a worldwide site.www.latinmix.euHere you can also find my email and telefon number. We do shows or gigs and teach in Reykjavik , Mosfelsbaer and Akraness. In Iceland.Weekly squedule!Akranesscourses here will start later on mars prolly!contact me
[email protected] Karabi on Wednesdays at 18:30 – 19:45@Kramhusid
Quick Melt HipHop for teenagers beg.@Reykjavik Kramhusið on Thursdays at 20:00 – 21:00
Quick Melt HipHop for teenagers adv.@ Reykjavik Kramhusið on Fridays at 18:00 - 19:00
Samba Fitness on Saturdays at 13:30-14:30 @ Worldclass
Caribean dance on Sundays at 14:00-15:00 @KramhusidSalsa private classes Reykjavik on demand contact me
[email protected]
Bachata for couples and individuals Reykjavik on demandSamba fitness starting Saturdays 13:30 1 of mars in World-class !
I also be teaching Samba on Mjolnir with Comprido for the Capoeira!So you see, age cant stop you from getting started!!!And gain a new life style!!And look fresh!Extreem urgent and important!!Teenagers that have arrive to Iceland and are in contact with the social secure department will be straight introduce to one of my classes. This decision was made between the participation , enthusiasm and encouragement that is been showed from my part to the Reykjavik community in Iceland.
I am proud to be the head leader dance instructor on this project. So all arrived teenagers are straight put in a a class a week with me in the academy of dance Kramhusid.
For the integrations in our society!
Your courses will be paid by the community , but you have to assist and be persistant .Spanish
Chicos y chicas adolescentes entre las edades 13 y 17 son bienvenidos a participar en las clases de danza , esto para tu integracion en la sociedad Islandesa en Reykjavik .Tus clases las pagara tu comuna .Conversa con tus apoderados y ellos junto con la encargada asistente social pueden hacer la peticion. En kramhusid te ayudaremos a firmar los requisitos.Svenska
Jag pratar svenska och har svenskt medborgarskap kontakta mig
[email protected] LX-Squad performs together and individual in different events and occasions.The integrators today areRossie Maillard * Leader of the squad owner of the Latinmix and dance instructor on the academies of dance, also the head leader dance instructor on the project ingretion of the foreigns that has been situated in Reykjavik.
Soon will have Luis Manuel >) from the Dominicans teaching the bachata and merengue in couples.Rossie stands for the rest of the dance pedagogy
HIP-HOP routines , Samba, Salsa together with Hernan and Edna and Juan from Cuba.LX-SQUAD Believes in GOD and we believe WE have his blessing to do what we most love to do and our passion is to dance.So Praise him!So here the integrators of This familly wich grows and performes.
You want to come for a try time in Kramhusið then no problem just contact me and I will see where I can place you.
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