Joey O'blivion profile picture

Joey O'blivion

I am here for Friends

About Me

To cut a long story short birth thru flames tickles a bit, and inter-dimensional travel burns quite a few calories. While dwelling on this cursed Earth my mission is to spread as much metal and substance induced chaos as possible. As ex singer in London Scumbag-metal act The Inbreds I've drunk, fought and fuck my way around this planet. My heart beats for the mosh and brain applauds the horror.According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:

Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson! Free Horror layouts at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Free-thinking, substance abusing, dasterdly mofo's!!! Oustide the box is where the mind is at its most potent for manufacturing and executing rock and roll terrorism, and while under the influence its more fucking fun!!

My Blog

A.S.B.O Joe 1 lays vocals on The Pembrokeshire Sound Machine track!!

Yes babies its fucking true yours truely Joe 1 has guested on The Pembrokeshore Sound Machine's new killer tune 'Pioneering a new sense of humour'. Featuring Joe of Design Confederacy fame (aka Vic of...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:18:00 GMT

Joe 1 rants on Unredempt track!!

Get your arses over to the UNREDEMPT myspace page to download a copy of their new EP. Its a blitzkreig punk/metal assault featuring 3 scumbag inspired songs. Castrator Hater , Our Democracy and Plaste...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 16:05:00 GMT

Beware the Weakness and Cowards

Since becoming part of the music industry as a professional musician the barbs and thorns of negativity have lacerated my will. At every turn back-stage, after shows, award ceremonies and in the heat ...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Mar 2006 08:09:00 GMT