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About Me

Night of the Long Swords feeds the unsuspecting people of London a monthly dose of the finest fuctupgarageyfolkyprogressivespacedoutfunkyheavypsychedelicn oize from the past four decades.
Born in 2004 out of a genuine and ecclectic love of good music, a feeling that there should be more places to go in London to hear this stuff, the belief that music should be free for all and a perverse desire to inflict our strange tastes on the world...
The night has two regular DJ's - Thogdin and Miss Millington along with a monthly guest to keep fings innaresting and bands too!
Open from 8pm(ish) to 3am with the bands are on sometime between 10pm and 12pm depending on how organised we are and how we feel at the time and it's free... YES FREE...
The club is held in the basement of El Paso's in Old Street (see map) on the 2nd Saturday of the month. We also DJ at Vroom in The Strongroom Bar on Curtain Road the second Thursday of the month. The dates for the next few nights are...
Saturday June 13th
The See See
With Support from Rent Boys
Saturday Junly 11th
Our 5th Anniversary with...
Proxy Music
With Support and guest DJ and cake and stuff
Saturday August 8th
Deano Spagnetti Special
Bands etc tbc
**** FOR BANDS****
We listen to every friend request we get so sorry if it takes some time for us to accept or deny friend requests, or if we don't get round to it atall - try again! Sending a message can speed things up as can monetary bribes or sexual favours... we also appreciate it when people do their research!
Also it's worth noting that we don't do this to make money so you'll have to excuse us for not making your fortune but unlike alot of promoters we guarantee that everyone does get paid.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


My Blog


Shit, I should've done that last one as a bulletin, right? Does it matter? Does anyone read this stuff anyway?   Tx
Posted by on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:09:00 GMT

Tonight's the Na-hi hi-height.

Right on you chaps! After a fantastic storming of the bastille at In the Pines, who I personally owe my very life (and possibly more) to, here we are again on Saturday staring bleeding eyed ...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 04:30:00 GMT


Cripes! Did the door staff go home or what?? The place just kept filling up!! What a way to start the year, storming in Long Swords style!! We all had excellent sets (in my opinion!) and it was great ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 13:01:00 GMT