My Husband and my daughter are my number one interests. I have always had a love and a passion for music. I miss sitting outside Starbucks with a cup of coffee and a good book, the only time the worries of the world seem to fade away....
Goodbye Alice In Wonderland Lyrics
Jon Bon Jovi, The Rock, Vince McMahon, Jennifer Aniston, Larry Bird....a few of my top picks... Possibly Al Davis, but only to slap some sense into him, maybe even John Madden...I'd like to have a contest with him to see who could stay silent the longest, (my money's on me!) Donald Trump, I would enjoy picking his brain a little bit.
Never Again....Who Knew...I had to put this because it was so stupid it's funny!!Bon Jovi, duh! Jewel is so inspiring and honest...I love that!
U2, Keith Urban, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie what a voice! I really have a love and appreciation for all music! I love Miles Davis, Ella Fitzgerald, Coltrane, music with soul and passion. I like Micheal Buble and a little Josh Groban when I'm trying to wind down!
lyrics - Daughtry Lyrics
lyrics - Gary Allan Lyrics
Tombstone, the greatest movie ever...I could watch it over and over and learn something new every time. Face Off, can't get enough of it!!!! Top Gun, back in the day when Tom Cruise wasn't a loser.
All the James Bond films...
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My Best Friends Wedding, classic comedy. Batman Begins was pretty awesome. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, now that's fun for the whole family right there! Anything Disney. Great Balls of Fire about Jerry Lee Lewis. As a kid I really loved Shirley Temple so I don't want to leave her out of this....The Matrix Trilogy is incredible too! And I just have to add Superman returns, it was awesome! And of course...i love Pirates!
Friends will always have a special place in my heart ;( ya I miss it ok! Will & Grace makes me laugh like no other, All three of the Law and orders especially SVU, Wrestling as in WWE of course,mostly I'm into reruns, Rosanne, Sienfeld, Fresh Prince, Cosby Show..they are all on the late night veiwing line up which is the only time I can watch tv in peace. Thank you Nick at Night. Full House brings back memories of a simpler time as well. I swore I would never jump on the American Idol bandwagon, but as my fondness of Kelly Clarkson has grown I've found myself not wanting to miss an episode, such talent out there...
Anything by John Maxwell, I like to read biography's on sports and athletes as well. John Grisham... The Pelican Brief is probably in my top ten, Tom Clancy....Clear and Present Danger was awesome as a book...
Anyone who believes in something strong enough that they have to go against the flow to stand up for it.