Sunday is now the best day of the week. Playing golf is great, it's the only sport that I have found that when I drink I;m better at it. I pretty much like all sports, couldn't live without music either.
If Mike Stack were a drink they would be:
2 parts charming 1 parts ambitious 1 parts athletic
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Dwight K. Schrute
Too many favorites to list so a few are Kings of Leon, Ryan Adams, Sufjan Stevens, Elliott Smith, Pinback, Josh Rousse, The Walkmen, Kelley Stoltz and any classic rock. Can't forget Bankruptcy of the Soul... coming soon
All Tarintino and Wes Anderson flicks. plus Caddyshack, Snatch, Blow, Cool Hand Luke, Raging Bull, and Swingers just to name a few.
I don't watch to much tv, but when I do it's usually sports. I also like hbo shows like entourage and the sopranoes as well as anything on discovery.
Right now I'm reading "Straight From the Gut" by Jack Welch And anything by Vonnegut and Palahniuk.
My Mom, she is great. And the anouncing stylings of Joe Buck.