I am an avid music lover. I am also a professional DJ so loving music really helps. I love performing, wether its as a musician or an entertainer I love to put on a show. I play violin, guitar, piano, bass, viola, drums (moderately) trumpet, dijaridoo (the Aboriginal Instrument), and I can sing...sometimes. I also enjoy writing music and recording in my home built studio. I spent three years building my studio with my own sweat and blood. I learned everything about electrical systems and what not and did it all myself from the framing to acoustical foam applications. I am also a cinematographer...which is fancy for "I like video cameras"....but I get to use cinematographer since I get paid to use a video camera. I love to be creative and finding new creative outlets. I am also into martial arts and have been for many, many years. Some say I'm really good but I truely know that I am just a novice, inspiring to become more. I love...repeat LOVE the outdoors. Though with all the technologies I have, I can think of nothing greater than leaving it all behind and going into the wilderness. Granted I love to take my cameras in with me...never know when bigfoot will run by!!!
I would like to meet a few people. First my heart throb since I saw her in Biodome with Pauly Shore....Kylie Minogue!!! I think this women is one of the most beautiful women alive. I love this women, singer, actor, and hot...what more could you ever want. Besides being hot she is a great entertainer and I totally respect that so she is at the top of my to meet list.
I love everything. Classical, New Age, Rock, pop, hip hop....you name it I love it.Favorites include: Blue October Oasis Coldplay 311 Toadies (Burden Brothers now...) Tu Pac....yes Rap I love me some Bizzy Bone too!!! Some of the new rap stuff scares me...well at least the parts not bleeped out.
I rarely get to go to movies so Oh well....I do have a huge movie closet...I guess you could say as a Cinematographer I watch everything then steal what I like and use it in my productions.
whats that!!!
Yeah I read alot..............the internet counts right?
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