Movies, music, drawing, metting new people, saying "Have A Good Day," girls, writing, girls, motion picture analysis, girls, friends, school, making people smile, girls, animation, rollerblading, poetry, Screenplay writing, film direction and production, cheese, lawn gnomes, girls...that is all.
Everyone and anyone who wishes to be met.
I love ALL music...that is all.
“City of Angels†“Office Space†“Meet Joe Black†“Men In Black†“The Matrix†Trilogy “The Apartment†(Jack Lemon) “The Green Mile†“When Harry Met Sally†“As Good As It Gets†“Of Mice And Men†“You’ve Got Mail†“Forrest Gump†“Picking Up And Dropping Off†“Cast Away†“Can’t Hardly Wait†“I Am Sam†“Drive Me Crazy†“Rain Man†“American Wedding†“Ocean’s Eleven†“Loser†“White Oleander" “Airborne†“Catch Me If You Can†“Grind†“Matchstick Men†“Celest In The City†“A Beautiful Mind†“What Lies Beneath†“Lord of The Rings†Trilogy “Driving Miss Daisy†“Big Fish†“One Hour Photo†“Dangerous Minds†“Pleasantville†“Adaptation†“Mona Lisa Smile†“Erin Brockovich†“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless “Finding Forrester†“The Sixth Sense†“Citizen Kane†“The Terminal†“Collateral†“Training Day†“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon†“The Truman Show†“It’s the Rage†“Casablanca†“Lost In Translation†“Serendipity†“Two Weeks Notice†“One Fine Day†"Crash" "A Walk To Remember" "Kill Bill (Volumes 1 and 2) "The Ring" "Psycho" "Strangers On A Train" "Haloween" Halloween H20" "The Birds" "Red Rock West" "Basquiat" "The Goonies" "Hanging Up" "Serenity" "Harry Potter" (Trilogy) "Hearts In Atlantis" "To Kill A Mockingbird" "To Sir With Love" "A West Side Story" "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" "Nothing To Lose" "Finding Nemo" "Toy Story" "Shrek" "The Lion King" "Ice Age" "The Trouble With Angels"I love movies...that is all.
Buffy, CSI, Friends, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, South Park, Sex And The City, Six Feet Under, The Soprano's, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report...Television, television, television, television, television...that is all.
"Candide Or Optimism" by Voltaire, "Of Mice And Men" by John Steinbeck, "Hamlet" by William Shakespeare, "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare, "The Stranger" by Camus, "Phaedra" by Racine, "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens, "The Metamorphosis" by Kafka ...that is all.
My mom and my twin sister Jenna.