Animal facts, Movie/Music Trivia, Guiness Records, comedians, independent wrestling federations (ROH/TNA), Ultimate Fighting, Boxing, finding new bands...
people who can make me laugh, people with something interesting to say, people who know a lot of statistics about useless things, dumb criminals, Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Jesus Christ, Vince McMahon, Gabe Sapolsky, the creator of Taco Bell, the Pillsbury Doughboy, YOU, anyone who read all of these.
She Wants Revenge, Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Jimmy Eat World, Kanye West, Gorillaz, Eminem, Jack Johnson, Nine Inch Nails, Sirius Ch. 21 (Alt Nation), Old School Michael Jackson, Jay Z, Jewel, 2Pac, The Killers, and many more. If you want to recommend something I will give it a shot.
THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME: Princess Bride. Other notables include: Memento, Requiem for a Dream, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Seven, Usual Suspects, Office Space, Old School, Royal Tenenbaums, Chasing Amy, Go, Moulin Rouge, The Langoliers, Predator, Dumb and Dumber, and Christmas Vacation.
Pro Wrestling, Family Guy, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, My Name is Earl, LOST, Colbert Report, Entourage, Seinfeld, The Office, and of course, Simpsons.
Currently Reading: Kite Runner Favorite book: Catcher in the Rye. Harlan Coben, Caleb Carr, and Dan Brown are consistent favorites. When in an intellectual mood: I open up my copy of The Collected Works of Robert Browning and let myself get blown away by a sick genius.
My dad, my mom, Will Perdue, Paul Heymen, anybody who regularly makes people laugh, people who know what they want and go for it.