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my best friend jenn she really is nice lol hahaha thats my broad i love her!!!My bro and sisMy other sis christine!!Jen's lil one my niece! aint she a cuttie pie? aww thats Avi looks can be deceiving people!! hahawe a lil buzzed here
Crue Intentions, Water Boy, Wedding Singer, Blow, Scarface, Half Baked, Van Wilder, Friday, Meet the Parents, Mean Girls,....LOTS MORE!!!
THE OC!!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT SHOW SERIOUSLY IM A OC FANATIC AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!, Dave Chapelle, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Friends, Drawn Together, Southpark, The Discovery Channel-hey its an interesting channel!!! lol, Dr. 90210.......
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