In the Book of Life our names are written, in the language of a love that we've forgotten.
My Interests
Member Since: 1/10/2006
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Type of Label: None
My Blog
Angelina Jolie has an abundance of tattoos. I am especially grateful that she has one in particular. Simply, profoundly, it reads: "Know Your Rights" I am grateful because in reading about it, it occu... Posted by Brandy Vaughan on Tue, 27 May 2008 05:12:00 PST
I just wanted to take a moment and let you know how much I appreciate you. Yes, YOU. That you stop by my page and listen to my songs means so much to me. You know those days when everything seems a li... Posted by Brandy Vaughan on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 07:07:00 PST