GiMiKs,pLaYiNg BiLLiaRdS,bAdMinToN,bowLiNg vOlLeYbAlL and TeNniS,suRf ThE NeT,maLLiNg aNd Go ShOppInG WiTh My GiRL FuEnZ,wAtCh MoViE!!!!piZzA,PaStA,ChOcOlAtEs And CoFfEe(espresso,cafe latte,white chocolate mocca).........CoLlEctIng MaGaZiNeS..ShOeS,BaGs,ClOtHiNG..............
I hate people who are selfish, inconsiderate, dishonest, pretentiousness, people who are too obsess about themselves, think highly about themselves or who are airheads, backstabbers, lazy, clingy and wannabes…........YOU JUST HAVE TO BE YOURSELF!!!!!!!a serious person,talkative,crazy,REAL PEOPLE................anyone!!!!!!!....just feel free to add me up...aight!!!!
ChEaPer By The DoZeN,TaKiNg LiVeS,Troy,10 ThInGs I HaTe AbOuT YoU,FaSt AnD FuRiOuS,MaTrIx,QuEeN Of ThE DaMnEd,AmErIcaN Pie,ScArY MoViE,The Eye,BaD BoYz2,LoRd Of ThE RiNg, DarEdEvIL,NOt AnOtHeR TeEn MoViE,MoNsTeR's BaLL,BeLLy Of ThE BeAsT,ThE LaSt SaMuRaI,MaN oN FiRe,ThE GrUdGe,FighThiNg TeMpTaTiOn,FiNaL DeStInATiON1AnD2,etc,etc.........."M a MOVIE BUFF"......
MtV FaShIoNiStA,SmALLViLLe,mAD tV,pUnK'd,sPY Tv,jaCkaSs,MTV,giLMoRe GiRLs, Mad daSh,MYx aNd CHarmEd
aNyThINg GoEs BuT It sHouLd Be InTeReStIng..........
clark(superman) spiderman God and my "DAD"