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Ms. Johnson!!

Just when you're not looking, someone steals your heart away!!

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Take My Quiz
What three things am I most passionate about?

A) God, animals, acting
B) God, family, acting
C) God, the environment, love

Who is the love of my life, apple of my eye, dude I......'m chillin wit right now!! lol

A) Kingsley
B) Popsey
C) Gamaliel

Where is my birthmark?

A) my back
B) my thigh
C) my finger

Why do I choose to keep God at the forefront of my life, my family closest to my heart, and would give the world to my family and friends if I had it?

A) Because God has blessed me with a sincere and caring heart.
B) Because I can get something out of it.
C) Because my momma told me I had to.

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My Blog

Lookin' at life through a friend's eyes

Eyes of a Rough Time As I look through the eyes of rough times Oblique figures clouding my mind Leaving negative spirits festering behind Feels like too much to take this life of mine.   Spi...
Posted by I'm stronger than my struggle!! on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:51:00 PST

It's true love when u realize that u care about their SOUL and their heart!

Deep Thoughts                At one point of time you were an essential part of my day still wondering if you'd go away will this love g...
Posted by I'm stronger than my struggle!! on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 11:59:00 PST