Justin profile picture


About Me

I made a totally inappropriate but unequivocally hilarious comment at a party tonight and a girl told me "you're not funny". I'm pretty sure she's wrong. My two favorite things are commitment and changing myself. I just moved to West Hollywood and everyone is really friendly here??? I hope to move closer to downtown next semester because I love my iPod but I hate driving. I regularly try to empirically reason the existence of god, so far I've only proven that I exist. I'm a persistent sleeper but not a heavy sleeper. I will hit snooze like it's a crack pipe and I'm decent at math, but I'm exemplary when I'm working out how much longer I can sleep in. I'm late to school all the time because I think in half-hour intervals (which is what happens when you're raised by network television) and my commute is 33 minutes. I think Paris Hilton is a glaring example of what is wrong with America, but I recognize that she wouldn't be this successful if she didn't get up for work every day. I laugh to myself when people blast shitty music or lose their temper while driving. I used to hate reading books (especially when there was already a movie), but I read so much for law school now that reading something entertaining is now a pleasure. I love shitty weather. I don't know why. This 80 degree December was total bullshit. I like traveling so much that I even enjoy the part where I have to take off my fucking shoes, but I know how to kill a person with their own shirt so I don't understand why I can't take nail clippers on the plane. I'm a good listener but I think it's because I've worked so many sales jobs... after all the training though, I still can't tell that I always speak in a monotone voice. I'm rarely surprised or angry. I don't like the south but I think Jack is my go to drink now. Otherwise it's a dry gin martini up with two olives. Also, kirby is my favorite character in regular super smash brothers, but i'd have to go with either mario or doctor mario in the newer super smash brothers melee. It's important to be dynamic in life.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Creative people, funny people, intelligent people, crazy people, more people who challenge me to grow

My Blog

Clearly Justice Roberts has never been hunting with Dick Cheney

"A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."This is the text of the 2nd Amendment, and it preserves...
Posted by on Sat, 22 Dec 2007 02:21:00 GMT

Some dickhole broke into my car!!!

He broke a window, cracked open my locked center console and stole about a thousand dollars worth of shit. it's telling of the way law school has twisted my mind that the thing i'm most upset about i...
Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 00:37:00 GMT

I did it!

I've found a way to get from my apartment to school in 20 minutes. I've tested it three times and it seems solid. My laziness will promptly swell to fill the extra space. That's at least one extra ...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 11:12:00 GMT