Whats going on. I'm just on here to keep in touch with all my people and maybe even meet a new friend or two. Anyway if you want to know about me I have way too much personality to put into words so leave a message and i'll get at you.
::*Da BaSiCs*::
.:FuLL nAmE:. Harry Potter aka Magic Man
.:AgE:. 23
.:BiRtHPlAcE:. Philly(Phillipines)
.:BiRtHdAii:. June 1,1984
.:CuRrEnt LoCAtIoN:. Del City
.:HAir CoLor:. Black
.:eYE cOlOR:. Bedroom Brown
.:HeRiTaGe:. Black and Filipino
.:sIngLE/TaKEn:. Single
.:SkOoL:. none right now
.:hEiGhT:. 6'
.:RiGhTy OR lEfTy:. Righty
::bOYfRiEnD/gIRlfRieND:: none
::CrUSh:: too old 4 crushin
::nUmBEr Of Ex's:: like a million and three
::pReFeReD tYpE:: Slim and sexy
::PrEfErED StYlE:: girly girls
::lOnGeSt ReLaTiOnShIp:: 2 1/2 years
::sHoRtEsT rElaTiOnsHiP:: 1day (she wore shorts the next day and had ugly legs)
::*tHe OPpOsItE sEx*:
::hEigHT:: don't be to short for your weight
::EYE cOlOR:: doesnt matter
::HAir CoLor:: As long as its not blue or orange it cool
::StYle:: coulda swore i just answerd this
::WeiGhT:: refer to height
::PeRsOnaLiTy:: Outgoing
::FiRsT tHiNg YoO nOtICe:: Smile
::Turn OnS:: Agressiveness
::TuRN oFFs:: Stuck up breezies
::BeStFrIEnd(s):: Donald, Lomo
::LoNgESt FrIEnd:: Donald
::NeWeSt FrIenD:: Optimus Prime
::mOSt LoYaL:: Prolly Donald again
::SeXiEsT fRiEnd:: kinda a homo question
::mOSt TaLEntEd:: none of them can do shit
::MosT dRamaTic:: hell if i kno
::MosT lIkeLy To B fAmoUS:: none of the above
::*ThIS Or ThaT*::
::cOkE oR pEpsI:: Pepsi doesn't mix with Henn
::McDOnalDs Or BuRGeR kInG:: McChickens all day
::yAhOo Or ..: yahoo (huwood4) get @ me
::RaIn oR sNow:: fuck em both
::lAke Or OcEaN:: Ocean
::SodA Or JuICe:: Apple Juice
::AdIDaS oR nIke:: Rbk
::kIssEs Or HuGS:: Smoochin
::SuMmeR oR wIntEr:: Summer
::hOoKUp Or ReLAtIoNShiP:: Relationship so I can Smooch
:ClUb Or PaRtY:: Club
::tV oR rAdIo:: TV
::RocK oR rAp:: I'm more r&b but I party like a rockstar
::WaLmaRt Or KmArT:: Walmart
::*RaNdOm qUEsTiOns*::
::WhaT aRe Yoo lIStEniN tO RigHT nOW:: Davina new CD
::LasT pErSoN Who CaLLeD yOO:: Mama
::LASt PeRsON yOo cAllEd:: Mama
::lasT pErSoN YoO HuggeD:: My lil mama
::Do YoO mISS anYoNE rIgHt Now:: My fam back in Florida.
::WhatZ yOuR fAv. FooD:: Fried Chicken
::DrInk Or SMoKE:: Drink
::WeAr CoNTacTs/GlasSeS nah
::FaV.mOnTH:: June
::WouLD yOO asK SuMWuN OuT:: Do I look like I'm in high school
::pEtS:: Rocky come home :'(
::TaTt0oS:: Smiley face on my ass (not yet but soon)
::wOUlD YoO tAke A bUlLEt fOR sUmwUN:: yup
::FuTurE jOb:: Ninja
::vIrGin-YeS/nO:: These girls keep sweet talking me out my drawlz
::KidS iN dA fUtUrE:: After I wife somebody
::NuMbEr Of PeOPLE kISSseD:: pssh, better luck counting the stars
::VaNilLA oR chOCoLAtE:: chocolate
::eVeR bEeNIn LoVe:: time or two
::dId ThEy KNo YoO LovEd Em:: yup
::pEacE oR fIGht For Your RighT:: Fight
::Do Yu LyKe ThUnDeRsToRms:: hell no
::FiRsT tHoUgHtS wEn Yu WaKe Up:: Ugggghhhhhhh!!
::d0 yU gEt AlOnG wItH uR pArEnTs:: yup
::EvA bEeN cAlLeD a TeAsE:: Nope cuz I get down to bizness
::d0 yU tHiNk Ur SexXiE:: I know i'm a dayum catch
::Do Yu BeLiEvE n Ya SeLf:: If I don't who will
::h0w MaNy DaEz 0lD r Yu:: fux this question
::WhT c0uNtRy WoUlD yU lIkE 2 vIsIt:: Jamaica, Brazil,
::eVa BeEn DuMpEd:: Yup
::fIrSt KiSs WaS wItH wHo:: Some girl i met @ the movies watching Big Daddy
::Is ThIs AsKiN tOo MaNy QuEsTiOns:: Somewhat
::ArE yOo DOne With THi SurVeY::
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