About Me
FRIENDS CRAZY WEDDING STORY:My fiancé and I picked a place for our wedding. The wedding was scheduled for April 24th, 2009.Two days after Ike we received word that the place filed for bankruptcy and we had lost all our money (A LOT OF MONEY).Needless to say the wedding was going to be pushed back to some time in 2010 after more money could be saved and another venue could be found.Two weeks later we were contacted by the Rachel Ray show. They were producing a show on Hurricane Ike and asked us to meet and tell our story.About 40 couple that lost their money showed to express their frustration. After Rachael Ray suprised all couples with a free wedding. She would be giving all the couples in attendance a wedding with 10 guest of their choice.Our wedding would be held at Minute Maid Park in only one weekThey provided each couple with Flowers, Music, Cake, Pictures, Tuxedo Rental, Brides Dress of Choice, Bride and Groom wedding bands a grand reception and more surprises to come. I have posted some Pics more to come....We will have a reception for friends and family the first part of 2009. -Wedding-Bells/story.aspx?guid=%7B18463332-DDB1-4544-95C0-05 C1C44FE105%7D
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