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Chicago Skylyne Model Management [CSMM Models] was foundedon the concept of integrity and dedication. We are locatedin Severn, Maryland (near Ft. Meade, Md. and Arundel MillsMall). We offer consulting services for aspiring modelsneeding legitimate avenues and honest, sound advicenecessary to have a chance in making it in the fashion andentertainment industries. Breaking into the modelingindustry can be a very exciting, but often frustratingexperience for aspiring models. It is an extremely crowdedbusiness with competition at the top, at the bottom and
all points in between. Competition in the industry isferce. Your desire to model must contain a fiery ambition.Are you fed up with missing out on good opportunities? Noone is born a star. Our mission is to teach/develop,manage, promote, market, book new talent and sponcer you.We're very good at recommending models too. We like to befanatic about getting people to the rite place at the ritetime. Much more information is available today than everbefore for models, actors/actresses and music artists.====================================================
============================================To a degree, this information may be incomplete,inaccurate, misleading and/or come from an unreliablesource. Whether someone is experienced or just gettingstarted, one can very easily be taken advantage of in theentertainment industry. Along the way, you will have flawshere and there and that's okey. No matter how good youare, you can always do better. The more you learn, thebetter you will become and the more respected you will be.Your personality plays a very big part in modeling also.Remember to relax and you will be fine. The modelingbusiness remains as it has always been, a seething morassof beauty and money, grace and envy, sensuality and lust,glamour and glory beyond measure. Models are alot richerand more independent these days. You need to be preparedto handle the daily challenges and financial rewards ofthe modeling industry.===================================================
=============================================The most important thing you will need to get started inmodeling is pictures. Pictures are the most importanttools of the trade. They are your calling card in theindustry. The primary expense you will have in thisprofession is the cost of photo shoots, comp cards and webplacement. A serious model will eagerly want to make thisinvestment once they are certain modeing is something theywant to do. Pictures are important for many reasons.They're needed for auditions. You will be required toleave pictures and or comp cards with studios and clientsas a reminder to them of how to get in contact with CSMMand or you if they want to book you for an event. Alwaysmake sure that you have several copies of yourpictures/compcards when going for Model Calls, CastingCalls, Open Calls and Auditions. That will be yourresponibility, NOT that of Chicago Skylyne Model Mgmt.
====================================Have you ever......*wanted to model but didn't know how to get started or find good agents/managers and photographers?*thought about modeling but weren't sure if you were too
old?*wanted to model but never pursued it because you thought
you didn't have the "perfect" height, weight, look, body
or thought you didn't have time?
====================================Comments most often made are......*I'm not tall enough to*I'm not tall enough to model, you have to be tall.*I'm too old to model, you have to be young.*I can't model because I have kids.*I don't have time to model due to work, school, kids, etc.========================================================
========================================No matter what the case may be, CSMM staff will workaround your schedule as long as we know what youravailability is Monday-Fridays and on the weekends. Youare not obligated to attend every Open Call, Model Call,Casting Call, Audition, Photo Shoot, etc. that we send outto you. If you are interested in the project or event,then you should attend. Almost every actor/actress,singer, dancer and model got where they are today byattending auditions and various opportunities that lead onto much better things. The more you do and the moreinvolved you are, the better your resume will look. Yourresume is just as important as your portfolio, the betterit look, the better your chances are.========================================================
========================================There is also another form of modeling called commercialmodeling. Commercial modeling has been around for manyyears, and certain requirements don't exist. Commercialmodels can be found in magazines and retail catalogs, saleadds in newspapers and on billboards on the side of theroad. In swimsuits and lingerie calendars. In grocerystore adds and car dealership adds. In inserts andbrochers. On TV commercials and internet adds. Everywhereyou go and everything you see, there is some form ofadvertisement. You can also find them in beer and wineadds. You see these models everywhere you go. These modelsare not supermodels. Commercial modeling is available toeveryone. Although Chicago Skylyne Model Management doesNOT have an age requirement, we prefer all models to be atleast 18 years of age. We are interested in all models.
Chicago Skylyne Model Management offers photo shoots forthe following catagories in modeling.They are:* Formal * Business * Casual * Fashion * Street ** Sport * Swimwear * Lingerie * Artistic Nude *Photo Shoots are availableMonday-Friday - 8:00am-7:00pm - Weekends - 9:30am-6:30pm.==============================================
ies in modeling are available for:* Fashion Shows * Runway Models * Print Models ** Hair Shows * Swimsuit Competitions * Print Work ** Model Competitions * Event Promotions * Event Hosting ** Commercials * Websites * Magazines * Music Videos ** TV Commercials * TV Programs * Film *
====================================Chicago Skylyne Model Mgmt's mission is to actively advance the talent of those who want to represent by grooming, training, building portfolios, and finding work for talent in a multiple genres. First step also is performs casting for some of the hottest events, fashion shows, videos, and designers in the business. They also produce and organize their own events and fashion shows. With C.S.M.M. based out of Maryland, the company has continued to grow and expand to include modeling talent throughout the entire Maryland area, Chicago, Ill., Washington, D.C., Virginia, Pennsyvania, Ohio, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, New York, New Jersey, Michagan, Texas, California, and Washington State.