My name is Rebecca and I love the outdoors and my 10 dogs. I'm a very simple, laidback person who just enjoys life. I have a wonderful boyfriend which I have been with for 4 years now. I also have a wonderful family who I would'nt trade for anything. Take one day at a time is what I like to say :) I joined my space to reconnect with friends that I have lost contact with since Highschool. If you want to chat you can message me at RDKot01 (AIM messenger) or just leave me a message here. I would love to meet up with some old friends and meet some new friends as well. :)
I would love to meet Matthew McConaughey,Vince Vaughn, Josh Lucas,Clay Walker and George Strait - just to name a few.
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Country music is my favorite but I'll listen to other music too, yes, even Tejano;)
Take the quiz:
How romantic are you?
Sentimental sweet heart!
You are the type who just makes there heart melt.. GOOD JOB! You are as romantic as it gets!! Every moment with you makes ur g/f or b/f feel special
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!